
Book Reviews

A Dog’s Life (p. 109-111)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Shakespeare's Dog by Leon Rooke

Sleepy Trio (p. 111-112)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Loyalists: Revolution, Exile, Settlement by Christopher Moore

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Surviving the Paraphrase by Frank Davey

Oxford Companions (p. 113-115)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature by William Toye

Winners & Losers (p. 115-117)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Me Too by Donald Jack
  • The Game by Ken Dryden
  • The Last Season by Roy Macgregor

Out of Agony (p. 117-120)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Art Out of Agony by Stephen Lewis
  • Beyond Sambation by A. M. Klein and M. W. Steinberg

Lost Cultures (p. 120-122)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Mount Royal by David Homel and Robert Marteau
  • Interlude by Robert Marteau and Barry Callaghan
  • Uncle Mike's Edenbridge: Memoirs of a Jewish Pioneer Farmer by Michael Usiskin and Marcia Usiskin Basman
  • Singing at the Whirpool by Miodrag Pavlovic and Barry Callaghan

Creative Spirits (p. 122-124)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Contemporary Canadian Art by David Burnett and Marilyn Schiff
  • Glenn Gould: Variations, By Himself and His Friends by John McGreevy

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Une certaine fin de siècle by Claude Beausoleil
  • Essaime by Jean Chapdelaine Gagnon
  • Mahler et autres matières by Pierre Nepveu
  • Ille by Richard Phaneuf

Reading Plays (p. 128-130)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Quiet in the Land by Anne Chislett
  • What Is To Be Done? by Mavis Gallant

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'Accent Aigu by Guy Menard
  • Les Mensonges d'Isabelle by Gabrielle Poulin

Plaisirs & colères (p. 132-133)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Plein soleil by Louis Leriche
  • Sur le Damier des tombes by Alexandre L. Amprimoz
  • Moments fragiles by Jacques Brault
  • L'Heure exacte by Guy Cloutier
  • L'Ombre des cibles by Celyne Fortin
  • La Déchirure du (corps) texte et autres brèches by Jean Jonassaint

Museum & World (p. 134-136)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Better Part of Heaven by Ken Norris
  • The Little Flowers of Madame de Montespan by Jane Urquhart
  • Insel by J. Michael Yates

Sifting the Dross (p. 136-137)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Un Dozen: Thirteen Canadian Poets by Judith Fitzgerald
  • The Inner Ear: An Anthology of New Poets by Gary Geddes
  • The Third Taboo: A Collection of Poems on Jealousy by Heather Cadsby and Maria Jacobs

MacLennan & Richler (p. 138-139)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Hugh MacLennan by T. D. MacLulich
  • Mordecai Richler by Victor J. Ramraj

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Dinner Along the Amazon by Timothy Findley

Fleming (p. 141-143)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Alexander Fleming: The Man and the Myth by Gwyn MacFarlane

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Major Canadian Authors: A Critical Introduction by David Stouck

Ut Pictura Poesis (p. 145-146)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Seagull on Yonge Street by bill bissett
  • Catchpenny Poems by David Helwig
  • Queen City by Raymond Souster

Alternatives (p. 146-148)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Second Stage: The Alternative Theatre Movement in Canada by Renate Usmiani

Process & Stasis (p. 148-149)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Cicada Voices: Selected Haiku of Eric Amann (1966-1979) by George Swede
  • Night Tides by George Swede
  • Jack and Jill in Toronto by Jones
  • Movies: Left to Right by Robert Sward

Shadowland (p. 150-151)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Paradise Siding by Allan Donaldson

Lyric Memory (p. 151-153)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Going the Distance by Raymond Souster
  • Orts and Scantlings by H. C. Dillow

Extravaganza (p. 153-155)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Perdue, or How the West was Lost by Geoffrey Ursell

Prayers (p. 155-156)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Book of Mercy by Leonard Cohen

Early Nowlan (p. 156-157)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Early Poems by Alden Nowlan

Poet as Historian (p. 157-159)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Convergences by Lionel Kearns

Images du recit (p. 159-160)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Plage by J. R. Leveille
  • Le Train sauvage by Raymond Plante

Memorabilia (p. 161-162)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Barkerville by Florence McNeil

Understanding (p. 162-163)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Poet and the Critic: A Literary Correspondence between D. C. Scott and E. K. Brown by Robert L. McDougall

Songs of Life (p. 164-165)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Beneath the Skin of Paradise: The Piaf Poems by Judith Fitzgerald
  • The Antlered Boy by Lloyd Abbey

Political Judgments (p. 165-167)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Engineer of Human Souls by Josef Skvorecky

South & North (p. 167-170)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Salt Line by Elizabeth Spencer
  • North of America: Images of Canada in the Literature of the United States, 1775-1900 by James Doyle

Book(s) Reviewed

  • As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows by Ian A. L. Getty and Antoine S. Lussier

Theatral (p. 171-174)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Madame Jocaste by Alain Pontaut
  • Syncope by Rene Gingras
  • La passion de Juliette by Michelle Allen

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Ocean/Paper/Stone by Robert Bringhurst

Untitled (p. 175-176)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Banting: A Biography by Michael Bliss
  • The Promised Land by Pierre Berton