
The Fiction of Sinclair Ross
Abstract: AT THE END OF SINCLAIR ROSS’ latest novel, Sawbones Memorial (1974), Doc Hunter, the sawbones of the novel’s title, and ...
The First Exile

Abstract: Ri.+ p. BLACKMUR SAID that the hero of the most ambitious art of our time was the artist himself. And ...

The Flame-Lighter Woman: Catherine Anthony Clark’s Fantasies

Abstract: THOUGH CATHERINE ANTHONY CLARK is acknowledged as AHOI “Canada’s first serious writer of fantasy and the only one who has ...

The Folklore of “Old Foolishness”: Newfoundland Media Legends

Abstract: ?IHE TECHNOLOGICAL MEDIA which transmit popular culture have often been vieweIdHEby folklorists and other students of culture as “destroyers of ...

The Fourth Separatism

Abstract: ***** Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Volume II, 1701 to 1740. Edited by David M. Hayne and André Vachon. University of ...

The Frontier beyond Empire: East of Everything in Thomas Raddal’s The Nymph and the Lamp

Abstract: If in Canada the Western genre is one of the favourite resources of the experimental writer, as Arnold E. Davidson ...

The Garden and the Cage: The Achievement of Gabrielle Roy

Abstract: IN THIS CENTURY, echoes of Alfred de Musset’s despairing cry, “Je suis venu trop tard dans un monde trop vieux,” ...

The Genderless Space (One-hour Video Interview)

Abstract: To complement their published interview in Canadian Literature issue 250, here is Sam McKegney and Smokii’s Sumac’s extended one-hour interview (hosted ...

The Genderless Space: Masculinity, Indigenous Poetics, and Becoming

Abstract: To honour Sumac’s contributions to both Indigenous literary and masculinities studies, I invited the author to participate in an interview via Zoom on August 27, 2020, which I initially intended to use in the classroom and perhaps to share with other collaborators in the field. The resulting interview, however, proved worthy of disseminating more broadly, and we decided to have the conversation edited into a one-hour video (produced by Robyn Carruthers and available on the Canadian Literature website) and transcribed for publication in the present form. Both participants have had the opportunity to edit our contributions for clarity and concision. We have sought to retain the conversational tone of the original dialogue between two long-time colleagues and friends.

The Gift of Grace

Abstract: FROM HIS FIRST NOVEL, Morley Callaghan appears a prophet of gloom. He writes almost exclusively about the people on the ...

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