
Close, very close, a b’gwus howls: The Contingency of Execution in Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach
Abstract: All too frequently, Aboriginal artists are viewed (by Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals alike) as impersonal explicators of truths about their culture. ...
Colour Disrobed Itself from the Body: The Racialized Aesthetics of Liberation in Michael Ondaatje’s In the Skin of a Lion

Abstract: In the first of CBC Radio’s now annual Canada Reads programs, celebrity participants selected Michael Ondaatje’s In the Skin of ...

Critically Speaking Criticized

Abstract: MOST CANADIANS of my ac quaintance are loyal to their national institutions, some to the point of chauvin ism, but ...

Dazzling Hybrids: The Poetry of Anne Carson

Abstract: The subtitle of Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red: A Novel in Verse only hints at the variety of genres that ...

Designed Anarchy in Mavis Gallant’s The Moslem Wife and Other Stories

Abstract: An anarchic aesthetic preoccupies both the early and later stories of Mavis Gallant. The texts in TheMoslemWifeand Other Stories^ challenge ...

First I Must Tell about Seeing: (De)monstrations of Visuality and the Dynamics of Metaphor in Anne Carson’s Autobiography of Red

Abstract: It is in fact upon the world of things needing to be uncovered that the world of merely visible things ...

Here is the picture as well as I can paint it: Anna Jameson’s Illustrations for Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada

Abstract: Theoretical and descriptive analyses of travel writing often warn against reading such narratives as “straightforward transcriptions of the lives of ...

I am writing this to be as wrong as possible to you: Anne Carson’s Errancy

Abstract: Anne Carson’s first book, Eros the Bittersweet, opens with a prose celebration of poetic impertinence:The story is about the delight ...

Ireland and England Will be Too Little For Me: The Canadian Letters of Lord Edward Fitzgerald in The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald

Abstract: This article discusses the impact on early Canadian literature of the United Irish leader Lord Edward Fitzgerald's letters from Canada, as presented in Thomas Moore's biography, The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald.

May I See Some Identification?

Abstract: Race isn’t about skin colour. It’s about social categorization. —  . . . every identity is actually an identification ...

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