
De Gabrielle Roy à La Mémoire de l’eau de Ying Chen : histoire d’une rencontre litte?raire
Abstract: Si les parents se survivent dans leurs enfants, comme on le dit souvent—c’est le bonheur et le drame des uns ...
De-Automatization in Timothy Findley’s “The Wars”

Abstract: ?LIMOTHY FINDLEY’S The Wars is a very powerful and dis- turbing book.Despitethenovel’shistoricallydistantsetting,theeventsof The Wars do not seem distant at all ...

Deaf Canada: Disability Discourses and National Constructs in Frances Itani’s Deafening

Abstract: In its depiction of the sign language and oralism debates, which surrounded D/deaf1 education in North America during the nineteenth ...

Death in Life: Neo-Platonic Elements in “Through the Panama”

Abstract: ?L H E E X P L O R A T I O N o f M a l c ...

Debunking a Postmodern Conception of History: A Defence of Humanist Values in the Novels of Joy Kogawa

Abstract: Errata:
The "notes" accompanying this essay are incorrectly numbered in the print edition of CanLit #148. In order that they match the superscripts in the text, Note #1 should appear as an unnumbered prefatory note; subsequent numbers should be re-numbered accordingly (#2 becomes #1; #3 becomes #2, etc.)

Decolonizasian: Reading Asian and First Nations Relations in Literature

Abstract: speak cree you’re in canada now speak siouan speak salishan – Rajinderpal S. Pal, “Collective Amnesia” (22) At the minimal ...

Deep in the Old Man’s Puzzle

Abstract: I am deep in the old man’s puzzle, trying to link the wisdom of the body with the wisdom of ...

Demeter’s Daughter: Marjorie Pickthall & the Quest for Poetic Identity

Abstract: M.LARJORIE PICKTHALL sold her first manuscript to the Toronto Globe in 1899, when she was 15 years old.* Her career ...

Démystification ou fumisterie? a? propos d’e?critures de Paul-Marie Lapointe

Abstract: IALAUULL-MARIE LAPOINTE, dans son célèbre poème “Arbres,”1 transcrit, par endroits, des listes de noms d’arbres qu’il a trouvées dans deux ...

Design and Purpose

Abstract: S,iNCE FEW READERS have seriously considered Susanna Moodie’s Roughing it in the Bush as a work of art, I have ...

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