
Book Reviews

Purdy’s Scott (p. 126-131)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Politics of the Imagination, a Life of F. R. Scott by Sandra Djwa

Subversion (p. 131-133)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Dreams of Speech and Violence by W. H. New

Ten Years Found (p. 133-134)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Image in the Mind: CBC Radio Drama 1944-1954 by N. Alice Frick

Secret Lettering (p. 135-137)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Ballad of Isabel Gunn by Stephen Scobie

Sch/Merz (p. 137-138)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Merzbook: Kurt Schwitters Poems by Colin Morton

Play Memories (p. 138-140)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • NeWest Plays By Women by Diane Bessai and Don Kerr

Maritime Topoi (p. 140-141)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Under Eastern Eyes: A Critical Reading of Maritime Fiction by Janice Kulyk Keefer

Vintage Wilson (p. 141-143)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Ethel Wilson: Stories, Essays, Letters by David Stouck

Novel Roberts (p. 143-144)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Sir Charles God Damn: The Life of Sir Charles G. D. Roberts by John Coldwell Adams

Lying True North (p. 144-145)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • North of Intention by Steve McCaffery

Hinterland Drama (p. 146-147)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Gilbert Parker and Herbert Beerbohm Tree Stage "The Sears of the Mighty" by John Ripley
  • Desperate Stages: New Brunswick Theatre in the 1840's by Edward Mullalu

Two-Headed Art (p. 147-150)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Surréalisme et littérature québécoise: Histoire d'une re?volution culturelle by Andre Bourassa
  • Documents in Canadian Art by Douglas Fetherling

Finding Voice (p. 150-154)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Children of Byzantium by Katherine Vlassie
  • A Postcard from Rome by David Helwig

Resisting Dream (p. 154-157)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Resisting Novels by Lennard J. Davis
  • A Drean Like Mine by M. T. Kelly

One-Ring Circus (p. 157-158)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Ring Master by David Gurr

Lost Things (p. 158-160)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Swann: A Mystery by Carol Shields

Distant Figures (p. 160-161)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • My Grandfather's House: Scenes of Childhood and Youth by Charles Ritchie

Ghost Adrift (p. 161-162)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Selakhi by Sean Virgo

Cyberpunk (p. 162-164)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Neuromancer by William Gibson
  • Count Zero by William Gibson
  • Burning Chrome by William Gibson

SF Emotions (p. 164-165)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Tesseracts2 by Phyllis Gotlieb and Douglas Barbour

No-Hed (p. 166-168)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • One Woman's War by Gladys Arnold
  • The Sorrow and the Terror by Clark Blaise and Bharati Mukherjee

Unsettlement (p. 168-171)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Emily Murphy: Rebel by Christine Mander
  • Kate Rice Prospector by Helen Duncan
  • A Hot-Eyed Moderate by Jane Rule

Chenevert (p. 171-172)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Myth and Morality in Alexandre Chenevert by Gabrielle Roy by Paul Socken

Jean Rhys (p. 172-173)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • All I Ever Needed was a Beautiful Room by Patricia Young

Stern Pastoral (p. 174-175)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Ice Eaters by Bruce Allen Powe

Touchstones (p. 175-177)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Classical Torso in 1986 by Diana Hayes
  • A Grass Pillow by Richard Lush
  • Dark Water by Michael Bullock

Immutable (p. 177-178)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Formations of Fantasy by Victor Burgin, James Donald and Cora Kaplan
  • Hard Confessions by Alexandre L. Amprimoz

Women’s Frames (p. 178-180)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Prairie Women by Barbara Evans

Archetypes (p. 180-182)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Abraham by Colin Browne
  • The Blue House by Lesley McAllister

Female/Female (p. 182-186)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Fireworks: the Best of Fireweed by Makeda Silvera
  • Dykeversions: Lesbian Short Fiction by Lesbian Writing and Publishing Collective

Lasting Regards (p. 186-188)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Big Life Painting by Ron Charach
  • Winter Prophecies by Ralph Gustafson
  • Dancers in a Web by Andrew Parkin

Women Abused (p. 188-189)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Between Men by Katherine Govier

Deserted Village (p. 189-190)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Empire of Dust by David C. Jones

Spirit Boxers (p. 191-191)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Blackbird's Song - A Novel by Pauline Holdstock

Mute & Brute (p. 192-193)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Bishop by David Helwig
  • Getting Married in Buffalo Jump by Susan Haley

Sound & Syllable (p. 193-194)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • White Light by Brian Dedora
  • Utensile Paradise by Richard Truhlar
  • Evolution in Every Direction by Brian Brett

Dragon Wise (p. 194-196)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Book Dragon by Donn Kushner

Un Demi-siècle (p. 196-197)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Arts et Littérature by Maurice Lebel