Book Reviews

Book(s) Reviewed

  • La francophonie canadienne by Gratien Allaire

Theatre/Théâtre (p. 116-118)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Talking Bodies by Larry Tremblay and Sheila Fischman
  • 15 Seconds by François Archambault and Bobby Theodore
  • The Coronation Voyage by Michel Marc Bouchard and Linda Gaboriau
  • Songs of the Say-Sayer by Daniel Danis and Linda Gaboriau

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Journals of Susanna Moodie by Margaret Atwood and Charles Pachter

Book(s) Reviewed

  • An Irish Empire: Aspects of Ireland and the British Empire by Keith Jeffery
  • Travels With an Umbrella: An Irish Journey by Louis Gauthier and Linda Leith
  • The Gothic Family Romance: Heterosexuality, Child Sacrifice and the Anglo-Irish Colonial Order by Margot Gayle Backus

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'écriture mythologique: essai sur l'œuvre de Victor-Le?vy Beaulieu by Jacques Pelletier
  • Oeuvres complètes, tome 10. Jack Kérouac by Victor-Lévy Beaulieu

Let my joy endure (p. 123-125)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Exile and The Sacred Travellers by Marie-Claire Blais and Nigel Spencer
  • These Festive Nights by Marie-Claire Blais and Sheila Fischman

Save and Punish (p. 125-126)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Troubling Confessions: Speaking Guilt in Lawand Literature by Peter Brooks

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Musée de l'os et de l'eau by Nicole Brossard

Mystic Musings (p. 128-129)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Nocturnes: Poems of Night by Michael Bullock
  • Erupting in Flowers: Poems by Michael Bullock

Arcadian Adventures (p. 129-131)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Rules of Engagement by Catherine Bush
  • Realia by Will Aitken

the void looks back (p. 131-132)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Necessary Crimes by Catherine Hunter
  • Asphodel by Michael Redhill
  • Swimming Among the Ruins by Susan Gillis
  • Beautiful Sadness by Lesley Choyce
  • Burning Bush by Elizabeth Brewster

Going with the Flow (p. 132-134)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • River Thieves by Michael Crummey

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'Egoïste by Claude Guilmain
  • Il n'y a que l'amour by Jean Marc Dalpé

Fictions critiques (p. 136-138)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • La Pensée composée. Formes du recueilet constitution de l'essai que?be?cois by Jamie Dopp
  • Le Moment critique de la fiction. Les Interpre?tations de la litte?ratureque proposent les fictions que?be?coises contemporaine by Robert Dion

Pilgrim’s Regress (p. 138-140)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Pilgrim by Timothy Findley
  • Essays on Canadian Writing: Timothy Findley Issue by Anne Geddes Bailey and Karen Grandy

Frye Redux? (p. 140-142)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Collected Works of Northrop Frye Vol. 6 by Northrop Frye and Robert D. Denham
  • The Collected Works of Northrop Frye Vol. 5 by Northrop Frye and Robert D. Denham
  • Northrop Frye and the Poetics of Process by Caterina Nella Cotrupi
  • Northrop Frye's Late Notebooks 1982-1990: Architecture of the Spiritual World by Northrop Frye and Robert D. Denham

Poégraphes (p. 142-143)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Rêve de pierre by Madeleine Gagnon
  • PoéVie. Poésie, chanson, prose et aphorismes. by Gilbert Langevin

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Doing Gender: Franco-Canadian Women Writers of the 1990s by Paula Ruth Gilbert and Roseanna L. Dufault

Identity Narratives (p. 145-146)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Women and Narrative Identity: Rewriting the Quebec National Text by Mary Jean Green

Doubly Gifted (p. 146-147)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Two Jacksons Abroad, 1936 by Naomi Jackson Groves and A. Y. Jackson

Forms of Telling (p. 147-148)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Fortunes of Wangrin by Amadou Hampaté Bá and Aina Pavolini Taylor

Childhood Lost (p. 148-150)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Am I Disturbing You? by Sheila Fischman and Anne Hébert
  • The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches by Gaétan Soucy and Sheila Fischman

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Creating Societies: Immigrant lives in Canada by Dirk Hoerder
  • The Portugese in Canada by Carlos Teixeira and Victor M. P. Da Rosa

Lamb with an Ego (p. 151-152)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Among the Lions: A Lamb in the Literary Jungle by Harold Horwood

Flashes of Light (p. 152-154)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Instruments of Darkness by Nancy Huston

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Les Indiens blancs: franc?ais et indiens en Ame?rique du Nord (XVIe-XVIIIe sie?cles) by Philippe Jacquin
  • Louis Riel: poe?mes ame?riquains by Mathias Carvalho and Jean Morisset

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality and Modern Catholicism by Mark D. Jordan

Book(s) Reviewed

  • New Worlds: Discovering and Constructing the Unknown in Anglophone Literature by Martin Kuester, Gabriele Christ and Rudolf Beck

Trans Layton (p. 159-161)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Layton, l'essentiel: Anthologie portative d'Irving Layton by Irving Layton and Michel Albert

Côté jeunesse (p. 161-163)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Trafic chez les Hurons by André Noël
  • Histoire de la littérature pour la jeunesse—Québec et francophonie du Canada, suivie d'un Dictionaire des auteurs et illustrateurs by Françoise Lepage
  • L'orphelin des mers by André Noël

Poètes en cage (p. 163-164)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Histoire de la nuit by Elias Letelier-Ruz
  • Bienvenue dans mon cauchemar by Marie Gagnon

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Fort Langley Journals, 1827-30 by Morag Maclachlan
  • The Burden of History: Colonialism and the Frontier Myth in a Rural Canadian Community by Elizabeth Furniss

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A la gauche de Dieu by Robert Marinier
  • Mentire by Louis-Dominique Lavigne and Robert Bellefeuille

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Transmission Difficulties: Franz Boas and Tsimshian Mythology by Ralph Maud

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Since the Time of the Transformers by Alan D. McMillan

A Congress of Words (p. 169-171)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Conflicting Desire by A. F. Moritz
  • Rest on the Flight into Egypt by A. F. Moritz
  • The End of the Age by A. F. Moritz
  • Houseboat on the Styx by A. F. Moritz

Book(s) Reviewed

  • An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English by Daniel David Moses and Terry Goldie
  • A Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and Peoples by Barry M. Pritzker

Genre Benders (p. 173-175)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Prime by Miranda Pearson
  • Stone Rain by W. H. New
  • The Predicament of Or by Shani Mootoo

Power Play (p. 175-176)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Interpreting Censorship in Canada by Klaus Petersen and Allan C. Hutchinson

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Great Expectations by Grant C. Robinson
  • Not in my Backyard by Bryan R. Meadows

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Map of the Senses: Twenty Years of Manitoba Plays by Rory Runnells
  • NeXt Fest Anthology: Plays from the Syncrude NeXt Generation Arts Festival 1996-2000 by Glenda Stirling

Short Story Studies (p. 179-181)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Oxford Book of Stories by Canadian Women in English by Rosemary Sullivan
  • Reading Mansfield and Metaphors of Form by W. H. New

Crossing the Bay (p. 181-183)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Isobel Gunn by Audrey Callahan Thomas

Homecomings (p. 183-185)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Perfect Pie by Judith Thompson
  • Very Heaven by Ann Lambert
  • Alien Creature by Linda Griffiths
  • Sheer Nerve: Seven Plays by Linda Griffiths

Innocents Abroad (p. 185-186)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The City in the Egg by Michel Tremblay and Michael Bullock
  • The Second Fiddle by Yves Beauchemin and David Toby Homel

Poésie francophone (p. 187-188)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Les Silences immoblies by Christian Violy
  • dieu sait quoi by Pierre Ouellet
  • Bleu sur Blanc by Marguerite Andersen

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Giant Despair Meets Hopeful: Kristevan Readings in Adolescent Fiction by Martha Westwater
  • The Boy in the Burning House: A Novel by Tim Wynne-Jones
  • Looking for X by Deborah Ellis