Opinions & Notes
Book Reviews
Book(s) Reviewed
- La Conquête des lettres au Québec (1759-1799) by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Can You Hear the Nightbird Call? by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Unpopular Culture: Transorming the European Comic Book in the 1990s by
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Years of Fire: Charles the Bold, Volume 2 by and
- The Hunting Ground by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Reading Stargate SG-1 by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- narrativ enigma / rumours uv hurricane by
- northern wild roses / deth interrupts th dansing by
- radiant danse uv being: a poetic portrait of bill bissett by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Tout a une fin by
- L'Espace de la musique by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Adventures in Debt Collection by
- The Mole Chronicles by
- Dancing Nightly in the Tavern by
Book(s) Reviewed
- What it Takes to Be Human by
- The Fearsome Particles by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Orphan Love by
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Tree of Meaning: Thirteen Talks by
- Wild Language by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Adam's Peak by
- The End of the Alphabet by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Between Trains by
- A Heart in Port by
- A Grave in the Air by
Book(s) Reviewed
- This and That by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- La Lenteur au bout de l'aile by
- Savanes, suivi de Poèmes de septembre by
- L'Oeil de la lumière by
- Entre les murs de la Baltique by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Petittes nouvelles... by
- La mort de Mignonne et autres histoires by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Depuis toujours, j'entendais la mer by
- La Cité des vents by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Affûts, précédé Rue de nuit by
- Les îles by
- Origine des méridiens by
Book(s) Reviewed
- White Civility: The Literary Project of English Canada by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Phyllis Webb and the Common Good: Poetry/Anarchy/Abstraction by
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Blue Hour of the Day by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Cobra et colibri by
- Cinéma gris by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Alma by
- L'atelier de L'Âge de la parole by
- Ã?me, foi et poésie by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Pure Spring by
- The Royal Woods by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Through Lover's Lane: L.M. Montgomery’s Photography and Visual Imagination by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Mothers of Heroes, Mothers of Martyrs: World War I and the Politics of Grief by
- Vimy Ridge: A Canadian Reassessment by , and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Visible Living: Poems Selected and New by , , and
- Let Me Go! by and
- Take Us Quietly by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Les anglicismes de la vie quotidienne des Québecois by
- 1902-2002 La Société du parler français au Canada cent ans après sa fondation : mise en valeur d’un patrimoine culturel by , and
- French as the Common Language in Québec: History, Debates and Positions by , , and
- La langue française au Manitoba (Canada) : histoire et e?volution lexicome?trique by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Gabrielle Roy, autobiographe : subjectivite?, passions et discours by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Writing the Everyday: Women’s Textual Communities in Atlantic Canada by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Adieu, Betty Crocker by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Not Needing All the Words: Michael Ondaatje’s Literature of Silence by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Gatekeepers: Reshaping Immigrant Lives in Cold War Canada by
- Home/Bodies: Geographies of Self, Place and Space by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Altérité et insularité : relations croise?es dans les cultures francophones by
- L'Autre en mémoire by
- Practiques d l'ici, altérité et identité dans six romans québécois des années 1989-2002 by
Book(s) Reviewed
- La descente du singe by
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Cadence of Civil Elegies by
Book(s) Reviewed
- At the Zenith of the Empire by
- Omniscience by
- Lifedream by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Empress of Asia by
- Drina Bridge by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Vivre ainsi, suivi de Le Vent sombre by
- Le Moindre vent by
- Rue Daubenton by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Globalization by and
- Manawa: Pacific Heartbeat: A Celebration of Contemporary Maori & Northwest Coast Art by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Burning Time by
- Orphan Ahwak by
- Prisoners Under Glass by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Romantic Hospitality and the Resistance to Accommodation by
Book(s) Reviewed
- A Woman with Demons: The Life of Kamiya Mieko by
- One Chrysanthemum by
Book(s) Reviewed
- What Lies Before Us by
- In the Eyes of God by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Vol de cendres by and
- Définitions mayas by and
- Utopies américaines au Québec et au Brésil by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Anatomy of Keys by
- Writing the Tides: New and Selected Poems by
- Dominican Moon by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Auto/biography in Canada: Critical Directions by
- Tracing the Autobiographical by , , and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Nostalgie et tristesse by
- Parcours migrants au Québec by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Le Cavalier bleu by and
- Le Fou de Bosch by
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Politics and Poetics of Passage in Canadian and Australian Culture and Fiction by and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Story House by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Emily Carr by , and
Book(s) Reviewed
- Image and Territory: Essays on Atom Egoyan by , and
Book(s) Reviewed
- India, India by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Long Journey: Contemporary Northwest Poets by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Kingdom, Phylum by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Islands in the Salish Sea: A Community Atlas by and
- Historical Atlas of Vancouver and the Lower Fraser Valley by
Book(s) Reviewed
- Home Ground: Language for an American Landscape by