Original Relations (p. 6-17)
A Mirror of Moore (p. 18-23)
Life in a New Land (p. 24-33)
The Unwitting Elegiac (p. 34-44)
Don Quixote and the Puppets (p. 45-53)
Opinions & Notes
Letter from Toronto (p. 54-58)
Short Reviews (p. 84-84)
Canadian Literature – 1960 (p. 85-102)
Book Reviews
A Tale Retold (p. 59-61)
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Many Colored Coat by
La Poésie de Nelligan (p. 62-65)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Emile Nelligan by
A Call to the Clerisy (p. 65-68)
Book(s) Reviewed
- A Voice from the Attic by
The Quality of Space (p. 69-71)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Where the High Winds Blow by
A Commonplace Regarnished (p. 71-72)
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Problem of Tragedy by
The Witch Within (p. 72-74)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Mad Shadows (La Belle Bête) by and
The Ever-Bearing Chronicle (p. 74-76)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Morning at Jalna by
A Search for Roots (p. 76-78)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Fuseli Poems by
- Once & Some Words Between the Minutes by
The Seas of Fairyland (p. 78-80)
Book(s) Reviewed
- The Princess of Tomboso by
- Swann and Daphne by
A Study of Images (p. 80-81)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Les images en poésie canadienne-française by
The Political Personality (p. 81-83)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Politicians and the War, 1914-1916 by
Ordeals and Rewards (p. 83-84)
Book(s) Reviewed
- Rocky Mountain Poems by