
Book Reviews

Integral/Fractional (p. 104-107)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Seven Hours to Sundown by George Ryga
  • Can You See Me Yet? by Timothy Findley
  • The Dismissal by James Reaney
  • Ploughmen of the Glacier by George Ryga
  • The Hearing by David Lewis Stein

Child’s Play (p. 107-109)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Ignoramus by James Reaney
  • Names and Nicknames by James Reaney
  • Geography Match by James Reaney
  • Apple Butter by James Reaney
  • A Teacher's Guide to Theatre for the Young by Jane Howard Baker

Defensive Roles (p. 109-111)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Raft Baby by Dennis Foon
  • The Windigo by Dennis Foon
  • A Mirror of Our Dreams: Children and the Theatre in Canada by Zina Barnieh and Joyce Doolittle
  • Heracles by Dennis Foon
  • A Chain of Words by Irene N. Watts

Table or Shelf? (p. 111-113)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Collection of Canadian Plays by Rolf Kalman et al.

Plays That Tie (p. 113-118)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Le Casino Voleur by Andre Ricard
  • Les Lois de la Pesanteur by Pierre Goulet
  • Nothing to Lose by David Fennario
  • Les Canadiens by Ken Dryden and Rick Salutin
  • François Bigot by John Coulter
  • Tournebire et le Malin Frigo and Les É?coles de Bon Bazou by Pierre Morency

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Répetoire de dramatiques Québécois à la télévision, 1952-1977 by Pierre Page
  • Anthologie thématique du théâtre québécois au XIXe siècle by Etienne-F. Duval
  • Robert Choquette, romancier et dramaturge de la radio-télévision by Renée Legris

Lost—and Found (p. 120-122)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Canada's Lost Plays. Volume One—The Nineteenth Century. Volume Two—Women Pioneers by Richard Plant and Anton Wagner

Chaos & Comic Books (p. 122-126)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Five Plays by Larry Fineberg by Larry Fineberg
  • Five Canadian Plays by Ken Gass

Communities (p. 126-128)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Three Plays by Michael Cook
  • The Blasty Bough by Clyde Rose
  • Far as the Eye Can See by Rudy Wiebe and Theatre Passe Muraille

Leméac’s Variety (p. 129-130)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Dernier recours de Baptiste à Catherine by Michele Lalonde
  • Joseph-Philémon Sans-chagrin by Bertrand B. Leblanc
  • La Veuve enragée by Antonine Maillet
  • Octobre by Marcel Dube

Paradigms of Folly (p. 130-131)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Le Fou et ses doubles: figures de la dramaturgie quebecoise by Pierre Gobin

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Farm Show by Theatre Passe Muraille

Hit and Miss (p. 136-140)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • At The Edge of the Chopping There Are no Secrets by John Thompson
  • Stilt Jack by John Thompson
  • Soviet Poems by Ralph Gustafson
  • Mister Never by Miriam Waddington

Given the Works (p. 140-141)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Works: Collected Poems by Phyllis Gotlieb

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Poems and Elegies 1972-1977 by David S. West
  • Wind Sun Stone and Ice by D. H. Sullivan
  • Deep Line by Kevin Roberts
  • Letters of State by Lazar Sarna

Nichol’s Prose (p. 142-144)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Journal by bp Nichol
  • Craft Dinner by bp Nichol

Highjinks & Power (p. 144-148)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • At Peace by Ann Copeland
  • I've Always Felt Sorry for Decimals by Robert Gibbs
  • Scars by W. P. Kinsella
  • City Boys by David Lewis Stein

Gentle Thematics (p. 148-149)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Canadian Novel: Here and Now by John Moss

Microscope (p. 149-153)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Best Modern Canadian Short Stories by Ivon Owen and Morris Wolfe
  • Canadian Short Stories: Third Series by Robert Weaver
  • The Story So Far 5 by Douglas Barbour
  • 78: Best Canadian Stories by John Metcalf and Clark Blaise

Book(s) Reviewed

  • From the Fifteenth District by Mavis Gallant