Lost and Found Author Spotlight – Franco Cortese

Franco Cortese is an experimental poet living in Thorold, Ontario. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Canadian Literature, The Capilano Review, filling Station, ditch, and others. His recent chapbooks include aeiou (No Press, 2018), uoiea (above/ground press, 2019), teksker (Simulacrum Press, 2019), The Thorny Inane (Grey Borders Books, forthcoming), and Ash Into Brick (Grey Borders Books, forthcoming). He also has leaflets, booklets, nanopamphlets, and broadsheets published or forthcoming through The Blasted Tree, Penteract Press, and Spacecraft Press. His work has been published both within Canada and internationally, most recently in the anthology Concrete and Constraint (Penteract Press 2018).

His poem “Il Aqua” can be read here.

Canadian Literature issue 236, Lost and Found, is available to order through our online store.