CanLit Books

Marine Snow

Marinetti Dines with the High Command: A Manifesto and Five Aeropoems


Marion Bridge

Marion: The Story of an Artist’s Model

Mariposa Forever

Maritime Union: A Political Tale

Marja’s Skis

Mark My Words: Native Women Mapping Our Nation

Marriage of Minds: Isabel and Oscar Skelton Reinventing Canada

Married Love: A Vulgar Entertainment

Marrow and Other Stories

Marry & Burn

Marry, Bang, Kill

Marrying Into the Family

Marrying the Sea

Mars is For Poems

Marsh Burning

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye: Apocalypse and Alchemy

Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding

Marshall McLuhan: the Medium and the Messenger

Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger

Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic: Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies

Martin John

Martin l’ourson

Martin Sloane

Martin Yesterday

Mary di Michele: Essays on Her Works

Mary l’Irlandaise

Mary Melfi: Essays on Her Works

Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley: Writing Lives

Mary-Jane la tueuse

Mary’s Wedding

Marzipan Lies

Masculindians: Conversations about Indigenous Manhood

Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aestheticism

Masculine Migrations: Reading the Postcolonial Male in New Canadian Narratives

Masculinities without Men? Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions

Masking Selves, Making Subjects: Japanese American Women, Identity, and the Body

Mass Media in Canada

Massacre Street

Masses on Radar

Master and Son

Mata Hari’s Lost World


Material Cultures in Canada

Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse

Maternity, Mortality, and the Literature of Madness

Mathématique intimes

Matin d’Oiseaux

Matinee Idol

Matinees Daily

Mating in Captivity

Matthew and the Midnight Hospital

Maud and Me


Maudits Anglais! Lettre ouverte aux Quebecois d’un Franco-Ontarien indigné



Maurice Constantin-Weyer: écrivain de l’Ouest et du Grand Nord

Maurice Dufault, sous-directeur

Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta

Mavis Gallant

Mavis Gallant: The Eye and the Ear

Max & the Cats

Maxine Hong Kingston Reading The Woman Warrior and China Men (excerpts)

May There Be No Sadness of Farewell

Maya Deren and the American Avant-Garde

Maya Deren and the American Avant-Garde


Mayor Snow


Mazo de la Roche of Jalna

Mazo de la Roche: The Hidden Life

McAlmon’s Chinese Opera

McClure: A Play in two acts

McCulloch’s Wonder: The Story of the kettle Valley Railway

McCulloch’s Wonder: The Story of the Kettle Valley Railway.

McGill University: For the Advancement of Learning Volume II 1895-1971

McGillivray—Lord of the Northwest

McLuhan in Space: A Cultural Geography

McLuhan, or Modernism in Reverse

Me and Mr. Mah

Me Artsy

Me Sexy: An Exploration of Native Sex and Sexuality

Me Tomorrow: Indigenous Views on the Future

Me Too

Me Too


Mean Boy

Meaning and Being in Myth

Meaning Over Memory: Recasting the Teaching of Culture and History


Meanwhile, in Another Part of the Forest: Gay Stories from Alice Munro to Yukio Mishima

Measures of Astonishment: Poets on Poetry

Measuring Mother Earth

Mechanical Monkeys

Méchante langue: La légitimité linguistique du français parlé au Québec

Medallions of Belief