Coach House Books

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Ink Earl by Susan Holbrook
Whitemud Walking by Matthew James Weigel
Word Problems by Ian Williams
Masses on Radar by David O’Meara
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep by Jocelyne Saucier and Rhonda Mullins
Ring by André Alexis
Indigenous Toronto: Stories That Carry This Place by Denise Bolduc, Mnawaate Gordon-Corbiere and Rebeka Tabobondung
Disintegration in Four Parts by Jean-March Ah-Sen, Emily Anglin, Devon Code and Lee Henderson
Exhibitionist by Molly Cross-Blanchard
Because the Sun by Sarah Burgoyne
Entering Sappho by Sarah Dowling
On Nostalgia by David Berry
The National Gallery by Jonathan Ball
Vulgar Mechanics by K.B. Thors
All Day I Dream about Sirens by Domenica Martinello
Mad Long Emotion by Ben Ladouceur
Days by Moonlight by André Alexis
Nights on Prose Mountain by bp Nichol and Derek Beaulieu
Obits by Tess Liem
The Supreme Orchestra by David Turgeon and Pablo Strauss
Lances All Alike by Suzanne Zelazo
SKY WRI TEI NGS by Nasser Hussain
Suzanne by Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette and Rhonda Mullins
Night Became Years by Jason Stefanik
Dead White Men by Shane Rhodes
3 Summers by Lisa Robertson
Cheer Up, Jay Ritchie by Jay Ritchie
Shot-Blue by Jesse Ruddock
If Clara by Martha Baillie
My Ariel by Sina Queyras
This Poem Is a House by Ken Sparling
Common Place by Sarah Pinder
The Hidden Keys by André Alexis
In on the Great Joke by Laura Broadbent
Throaty Wipes by Susan Holbrook
Country Club by Andy McGuire
Pillow by Andrew Battershill
Magyarázni by Helen Hajnoczky
Whelmed by Nicole Markoti?
Ardour by Nicole Brossard
Guano by Louis Carmain and Rhonda Mullins
Fifteen Dogs by André Alexis
Twenty-One Cardinals by Jocelyne Saucier
For Display Purposes Only by David Seymour
The Stonehenge Letters by Harry Karlinksy
MxT by Sina Queyras
On Malice by Ken Babstock
Cinema of the Present by Lisa Robertson
Janey's Arcadia by Syd Zolf
School by Jen Currin
White Piano by Nicole Brossard, Erín Mouré and Robert Majzels
Drama: Pilot Episode by Karen Hines
The Lease by Matthew Henderson
Needs Improvement by Jon Paul Fiorentino
Too Bad Galahad by Matt Cohen
Leavin America by David Rosenberg
Mad Hope by Heather Birrell
Monoceros by Suzette Mayr
The Obituary by Gail Scott
Indexical Elegies by Jon Paul Fiorentino
The Heat Yesterday by Ian Iqbal Rashid
Lemon by Cordelia Strube
A Painted Elephant by Jill Hartman
with wax by Derek Beaulieu
Notebook of Roses and Civilization by Nicole Brossard, Robert Majzels and Erín Mouré
What Stirs by Margaret Christakos
Stunt by Claudia Day
Twenty Miles by Cara Hedley
The City Man by Howard Akler
Girls Fall Down by Maggie Helwig
The Milk Chicken Bomb by Andrew Wedderburn
The Alphabet Game by bp Nichol, Lori Emerson and Darren Wershler-Henry
How the Blessed Live by Susannah M. Smith
The State of the Arts: Living with Culture in Toronto by Alana Wilcox, Christina Palassio and Jonny Dovercourt
Nerve Squall by Sylvia Legris
Hello ... Hello by Karen Hines
Sooner by Margaret Christakos
Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative by Mary Burger, Robert Glü?ck, Camille Roy and Gail Scott
Yesterday, at the Hotel Clarendon by Nicole Brossard and Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood
The Refrigerator Memory by Shannon Bramer
The Monster Trilogy by RM Vaughan
Now You Care by Di Brandt
The Winter Gardeners by Dennis Denisoff
Parlance by Suzanne Zelazo
Crystallography by Christian Bök
The Blue Books by Nicole Brossard
Hell and Other Novels by Beverley Daurio
Lions in the Streets by Judith Thompson
House Humans by Daniel MacIvor
Not Noir by Kate Van Dusen
'sophie by Lola Lemire Tostevin
Fair Liberty's Call by Sharon Pollock
Musical Offering by E.D. Blodgett
Movement in Slow Time by Ann Rosenberg
Shared Anxiety: Selected Plays by George F. Walker
Property by Marc Diamond
Fronteras americanas by Guillermo Verdercchia
Clay Birds by Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen
Aurora by Sharon Thesen
Lake Nora Arms by Michael Redhill
Arcaum 17 with Apertures Grafted to the End by André Breton and Zack Rogow
Piccolo Mondo by Michael Matthews, John Orange, Angela Bowering and David Bromige
The Heat Yesterday by Vijay Mishra and Ian Iqbal Rashid
Plush: Selected Poems by Sky Gilbert, Courtnay McFarlane, Jeffrey Conway, R. M. Vaughan, David Trinidad, Lynn Crosbie and Michael Holmes
Milton's Elements by Cordelia Strube
Escape from Happiness by George F. Walker
Glenn by David Young
Odes by Ken Norris
An Aroma of Coffee by Dany Laferrière and David Homel
Ad Sanctos: The Martyrology Book 9 by bp Nichol and Howard Gerhard
Background Music by Pat Jasper
Solo by Jason Sherman
Villainelle by Lynn Crosbie
Bread out of Stone by Dionne Brand
Dining with the Dictator by Dany Laferrière and David Toby Homel
Why Must a Black Writer Write About Sex by Dany Laferrière and David Toby Homel
Human Resources by Syd Zolf
The Port Dalhousie Stories by Dennis Tourbin
The Holy Forest by Robin Blaser
Good Bones by Margaret Atwood
The Dragonfly Fling by Jean McKay
The Noam Chomsky Lectures: A Play by Daniel Brooks and Guillermo Verdecchia
Love and Anger by George F. Walker
Bag Babies by Allan Stratton
Expressway by Sina Queyras
Wolf-Ladder by Don Domanski
Aurealities by Paul Dutton
The Brick Reader by Linda Spalding and Michael Ondaatje
Hanging Fire by Phyllis Webb
Joy is so Exhausting by Susan Holbrook
Quiet in the Land by Anne Chislett
Willful Acts: Five Plays by Margaret Hollingsworth
A Trip Around Lake Ontario by David McFadden
The Other Side of the Dark by Judith Thompson
The New Room by Jan Zwicky
Nothing Sacred by George F. Walker
Evoba by Steve McCaffery
Pear Tree Pomes by Roy Kiyooka
Heroine by Gail Scott
Juvenilia by Elizabeth Smart
A.N.A. Historic by Daphne Marlatt
Quebec Voices: Three Plays by Robert Wallace
Second Nature by Libby Scheier
One Out of Four by Donald Martin
Back on Tuesday by David Gilmour
Economic Sex by Ali-Janna Whyte
Noman's Land by Gwendolyn MacEwen
Monsieur Melville by Victor-Lévy Beaulieu and Ray Chamberlain
Five Stories by Sheila Watson
Strappado by Karl Jirgens
Nimrod's Tongue by Rafael Barreto-Rivera
The Body Labyrinth by Sharon Berg
Secular Love by Michael Ondaatje
These Our Mothers or: The Disintegrating Chapter by Nicole Brossard and Barbara Thomson Godard
Edward and Patricia by Frank Davey