Nuage Editions

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

A Live Bird In Its Jaws by Jeanne-Mance Delisle
Urban Myths: Anton & No Cycle by Harry Standjofski
Swimming Among the Ruins by Susan Gillis
Travels With an Umbrella: An Irish Journey by Louis Gauthier and Linda Leith
Lovers: A Midrash by Edeet Ravel
The Shadow Sonnets by Richard Sommer
The Goldberg Variation by Nancy Huston
Birds of Passage by Linda Leith
Selkirk Avenue by Bruce McManus
Latent Heat by Catherine Hunter
Scarpone by Vittorio Rossi
Triple Play by Colleen Curran
Fawn Bones by Richard Sommer
The Polar Bear Express by Lesley Battler
Muhla, The Fair One by Linda Ghan and Elise Benoit