Rescaling CanLit: Global Readings Author Spotlight – Eva Darias-Beautell

Eva Darias-Beautell is Professor of Canadian literature at the University of La Laguna. She has been Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Toronto, Ottawa, and British Columbia, and has published widely on contemporary Canadian literature in English. Her books include Shifting Sands: Literary Theory and Contemporary Canadian Fiction and Graphies and Grafts: (Con)Texts and (Inter)Texts in the Fictions of Four Canadian Women Writers, as well as the edited collections Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada and The Urban Condition: Literary Trajectories Through Canada’s Postmetropolis. Darias-Beautell co-directs the fully-funded international research project Justice, Citizenship and Vulnerability, and leads the group TransCanadian Networks: Excellence and Transversality from Spain about Canada towards Europe.

Her editorial can be read on our website at

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