Penumbra Press

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Kilmarnock by Tony Cosier
Wisakyjak and the New World by Adam Ballantyne and A.D. Catterson
Skinny Girls by Lesley-Anne Bourne
Two Jacksons Abroad, 1936 by Naomi Jackson Groves and A. Y. Jackson
Tom Thomson and Other Poems by George Whipple
Scissor, Paper, Woman by Marianne Bluger
Marigolds in Snow by Jocelyne Villeneuve
The Rim Poems by Joseph MacLeod
Kilmarnock by John W. Bilsland and Tony Cosier
Skinny Girls by Lesley-Anne Bourne and John W. Bilsland
Arctic Circle Songs by Robbie Newton Drummond
Blue Light, Bay and College by Kathleen McCracken
The Story of Pears by Lesley-Anne Bourne
Antarctica Body by Vivian Darroch-Lozowski
Landsinger by C. D. Mazoff and Tony Cosier
Troubling a Star by C. D. Mazoff and Deborah Godin
The Efficiency of Killers by Ian McCullough
Bee-Buzz, Salmon Leap by Knut Ødegård and George Johnston
Gaga by Ólafur Gunnarsson and David McDuff
Willing Victims by John Nold
Tough Roots by Jean McCallion
Translating Genesis by Deborah Godin
Letters from the Equator by C. H. Gervais
Out of the Storm by Jack F. Stewart and Michael Thorpe
Insel by J. Michael Yates
Stranded in Terra by Deborah Godin
Seven Robins by Neile Graham
The Moon of Hunger by Ian McCullough
Greendream by Joseph McLeod
Swimming at Twelve Mile by J. D. Carpenter
By Green Mountain by Allan Brown
Up Country Lines by C. H. Gervais
Words For My Weeping by Dorothy Farmiloe