Delta Canada

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Land Fall by Douglas Barbour
In the Silence of the Year by Stephen Scobie
14 Poems by Alan Pearson
Outerings by Eugene McNamara
Text for Nausikaa by Michael Harris
The Ties of Time by John Lachs
Selected Poems 1920/1970 by R. G. Everson
The Dark Is Not So Dark by R. G. Everson
Man by Glen Siebrasse
Nothing But Spoons by Peter Stevens
Homage to Mr. MacMullin by Douglas Barbour and Richard Sommer
Images by Geral Robitaille
Homage to Mr. MacMullin by Richard Sommer
Trouvailles by F. R. Scott
Pictures On The Skin by Eldon Grier
Atlantis by Louis Dudek
The Great Wall of China by John Robert Colombo
Small Change by Renald Shoofler
Wrestle with an Angel by R. G. Everson