Red Deer Press

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Last Words by Leanne Baugh
Larkin on the Shore by Jean Mills
Skating Over Thin Ice by Jean Mills
Seed Catalogue by Robert Kroetsch and Jim Westergard
The Engine of Recall by Karl Schroeder
Sila's Revenge by Jamie Bastedo
Living Outside the Lines by Lesley Choyce
Long Powwow Nights by Pam Aleekuk and David Bouchard
A Sky Black With Crows by Alice Walsh
Any Day But This: Stories by Kristjana Gunnars
The Canadian Jewish Studies Reader by Richard Menkis and Norman Ravvin
A Fine Daughter by Catherine Simmons Niven
The Drum Calls Softly by David Bouchard, Shelley Willier, Steve Wood and Jim Poitras
The Kappa Child by Hiromi Goto
Wrestling with the Angel: Women Reclaiming Their Lives by Caterina Edwards and Kay Stewart
Salvage by Daphne Marlatt
Pounce De Leon by Tim Wynne-Jones
Homicide Related by Nora McClintock