Gaspereau Press

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Year of the Metal Rabbit by Tammy Armstrong
Pivot Point by Bren Simmers
Under the Gamma Camera by Madeline Bassnett
Odysseus Asleep by Peter Sanger
Boom Time by Lindsay Bird
One Dog Town by Dominique Béchard
The News by Rob Taylor
Forge by Jan Zwicky
Distill? by Basma Kavanagh
The Geography of Arrival by George Sipos
The Sentimentalists by Johanna Skibsrud
Falling into Place by John Terpstra
A Short History of Forgetting by Johanna Skibsrud
The Annotated Bee & Me by Tim Bowling
Selected Poems by Robert Bringhurst
Skin Boat by John Terpstra
Late Nights With Wild Cowboys by Johanna Skibsrud
All This Town Remembers by Sean Johnston
Gaspereau Gloriatur: Liber Beati Anni Decimi. Volume II: Prose by Michael deBeyer, Kate Kennedy and Andrew Steeves
Broken Vessel by Harry Thurston
Actualities by Monica Kidd
The Bone Sharps by Tim Bowling
Fathom by Tim Bowling
Wisdom & Metaphor by Jan Zwicky
The Year One by David Helwig
Québécité by George Elliott Clarke
Ursa Major by Robert Bringhurst
Divisions of the Heart: Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Memory and Place by Sandra Barry, Gwendolyn Davies and Peter Sanger
Selected Poems by Paul Watkins
Eva's Threepenny Theatre by Andrew Steinmetz
This Way Out by Carmine Starnino
Lean-To by Tonja Gunvaldsen Klaassen
Red by George Elliott Clarke