Penguin Books

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Beggar's Feast by Randy Boyagoda
Wonder by Robert J. Sawyer
Watch by Robert J. Sawyer
Wake by Robert J. Sawyer
The Lament of Charlie Longsong by Roch Carrier and Sheila Fischman
The Paperboy's Winter by Tim Bowling
A Telling of Stars by Caitlin Sweet
Wounded by Eric Walters
Through Black Spruce by Joseph Boyden
Belle Falls by Sherri Vanderveen
The Corner Garden by Lesley Krueger
Becoming Ruby by Kathy Stinson
Alms by Cynthia Macdonald
The Paperboy's Winter by Christian Bök
The Blythes Are Quoted by L. M. Montgomery and Benjamin Lefebvre
Strangers from a Different Shore by W. H. New and Ronald Takaki
The Man Game by Lee Henderson
From Bruised Fell by Jane Finlay-Young
Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden
The Lament of Charlie Longsong by Roch Carrier and Sheila Fischman
The Girl in the Picture by Denise Chong
The Way of a Boy by Ernest Hillen
Kipligat's Chance by David N. Odhiambo
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
Treaure Island by Jean Howarth and Terry Goldie
[Omnibus Review] by W. H. New
Solomon Gursky Was Here by Mordecai Richler
Eyestone by D. R. MacDonald
Living on Water by Matt Cohen
Between Men by Katherine Govier
Caprice by George Bowering
Caesars of the Wilderness by Peter C. Newman
Tales From Firozsha Baag by Rohinton Mistry
Inspecting the Vaults by Eric McCormack
Resident Alien by Jerome A. Greene
The Light in the Piazza by Elizabeth Spencer
Fables of Brunswick Avenue by Katherine Govier
On Fiji Islands by Ronald Wright
The Tattooed Woman by Marian Engel
Café Le Dog by Matt Cohen
Three Travellers by Marie-Claire Blais
The Day Is Dark by Marie-Claire Blais
High Spirits by Robertson Davies
Darkness by Bharati Mukherjee
Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley
The Pool in the Desert by Sara Jeannette Duncan
The Thrill of the Grass by W. P. Kinsella
Dinner Along the Amazon by Timothy Findley
Imagining Anne by Elizabeth Rollins Epperly
Looking at the Moon by Kit Pearson
The Sky is Falling by Kit Pearson
Canadian Writing Today by Mordecai Richler
Wonder by Robert J. Sawyer
Watch by Robert J. Sawyer
Wake by Robert J. Sawyer