Justin Shaw

Works by Justin Shaw

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Justin Shaw

A Pixelated Paradigm
By Justin Shaw
Published in Emerging Scholars 2. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 228-229 (Spring/Summer 2016): 260-262.
  • Between Humanities and the Digital by Patrik Svensson (Editor) and David Theo Goldberg (Editor)
  • Identity Technologies: Constructing the Self Online by Anna Poletti (Editor) and Julie Rak (Editor)
Death and Transcendence
By Justin Shaw
Published in Gendering the Archive. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 217 (Summer 2013): 170-72.
  • Reliving Charley by Dean Serravalle
  • Snowmen by Mark Sedore
  • The Bottle Collector by Tom Managhan