Julian Gunn

Works by Julian Gunn

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Julian Gunn

Emetic, Bouquet, Galaxy
By Julian Gunn
Published in Canadian Literature 255 (2023): 184-186.
  • Duct-Taped Roses by Billeh Nickerson
  • Junebat by John Elizabeth Stintzi
  • The Untranslatable I by Roxanna Bennett
The Engaged Classroom
By Julian Gunn
Published in Eclectic Mix Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 234 (Autumn 2017): 157-159.
  • Classroom Action: Human Rights, Critical Activism, and Community-Based Education by Ajay Heble
  • Learn, Teach, Challenge: Approaching Indigenous Literatures by Deanna Reder (Editor) and Linda Morra (Editor)
Fictions of Resistance
By Julian Gunn
Published in Emerging Scholars 2. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 228-229 (Spring/Summer 2016): 241-243.
  • Designing Fictions: Literature Confronts Advertising by Michael L. Ross
  • Disrupting Queer Inclusion: Canadian Homonationalisms and the Politics of Belonging by OmiSoore H. Dryden (Editor) and Suzanne Lenon (Editor)