Dalhousie University
Jennifer Andrews is Professor in the Department of English at Dalhousie University. Her research and teaching interests include Canadian and American literature in English, Indigenous literatures of Turtle Island, literary theory, and cultural studies. She has published two books (Border Crossings: Thomas King’s Cultural Inversions, co-authored with Priscilla Walton and In the Belly of a Laughing God: Humour and Irony in Native Women’s Poetry) with University of Toronto Press and written over thirty articles and book chapters. Her latest research project examines how American writers perceive Canada.
National Taiwan University
Guy Beauregard is a Professor at National Taiwan University and an Associate Member of Simon Fraser University’s Institute for Transpacific Cultural Research. He teaches and supervises students in the intersecting fields of postcolonial studies, Asian American studies, and transpacific studies. His work over the past decade has appeared in Amerasia Journal, Canadian Literature, Concentric, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Studies in Canadian Literature, Tamkang Review, and West Coast Line. He has also co-edited “Pacific Canada” (2007), a special issue of Amerasia; “Asian Canadian Studies” (2008), a special issue of Canadian Literature; and The Subject(s) of Human Rights: Crises, Violations, and Asian/American Critique (Temple University Press, 2020).
McMaster University
Chandrima Chakraborty is University Scholar and Professor in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. Her research is on the literatures and cultures of South Asia and the South Asian diaspora, with a focus on masculinity, nationalism, and public memory. Her book publications include, Masculinity, Asceticism and Hinduism: Past and Present Imaginings of India (2011); Mapping South Asian Masculinities: Men and Political Crises (2015) and the coedited anthology, Remembering Air India: The Art of Public Mourning (2017). She has published on: postcolonial theory; religion and nationalism; Canadian multiculturalism; racial violence and racial grief; memorialization practices; and Bollywood cinema.
York University
Lily Cho is Associate Professor in the Department of English at York University. Her book, Mass Capture: Chinese Head Tax and the Making of Non-citizens was awarded the 2023 Book Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Multidisciplinary Category by the Association for Asian American Studies. Her research focuses on diasporic subjectivity within the fields of cultural studies, postcolonial literature and theory, and Asian North American and Canadian literature.
Universidad de La Laguna
Eva Darias-Beautell is Professor of Canadian literature at the University of La Laguna. She has published widely on contemporary Canadian literatures in English and has been a visiting scholar at many Canadian universities, including Toronto, Ottawa, and British Columbia. Her books include Shifting Sands: Literary Theory and Contemporary Canadian Fiction (Mellen, 2000), and Graphies and Grafts: (Con)Texts and (Inter)Texts in the Fictions of Four Canadian Women Writers (Peter Lang, 2001) as well as the edited collections Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada (Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2012) and The Urban Condition: Literary Trajectories Through Canada’s Postmetropolis (Vernon Press, 2018). Darias-Beautell has directed five fully-funded international research projects on English Canadian literatures and cultures.
Mount Saint Vincent University
Carrie Dawson is the Dean of Arts & Science at Mount Saint Vincent University. Her current research project considers the value of storytelling for the refugee determination process and also asks how creative writing by and about refugees might help us to better understand the structures and processes that shape Canadian citizenship. She has recently published essays in the Journal of Canadian Studies, Australian Literary Studies, Canadian Literature, and Postcolonial Text.
University of Calgary
Kit Dobson is a Professor in the Department of English at the University of Calgary in Treaty 7 territory. His books to date are Transnational Canadas: Globalization and Anglo-Canadian Literature (Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2009) and Malled: Deciphering Shopping in Canada (Wolsak and Wynn, 2017). With Smaro Kamboureli, he created the collaborative book of interviews Producing Canadian Literature: Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace(Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2013). He is also the editor or co-editor of Transnationalism, Activism, Art (with Áine McGlynn; U Toronto P, 2013); Please, No More Poetry: The Poetry of derek beaulieu (editor; Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2013); Dissonant Methods: Undoing Discipline in the Humanities Classroom (with Ada Jaarsma; U Alberta P, 2020); and All the Feels / Tous les sens: Affect and Writing in Canada / Affect et écriture au Canada (with Marie Carrière and Ursula Mathis-Moser; U Alberta P, 2021). Kit’s research and teaching focus on the literatures created in Canada, and, at present, theories of posthumanism, ecology, and sound. Among other projects, he is at work on a manuscript about listening to the landscapes of northern Alberta.
University of Glasgow
Faye Hammill is Professor of English, University of Glasgow. She was formerly Editor of the British Journal of Canadian Studies (2005-9) and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Canadian Studies (2010-13). She is author or co-author of six books, most recently Modernism’s Print Cultures (2016, with Mark Hussey) and Magazines, Travel and Middlebrow Culture: Canadian Periodicals 1925-1960 (2015, with Michelle Smith).
University of Toronto
Smaro Kamboureli holds the Avie Bennett Chair in Canadian Literature at the University of Toronto. Specializing in contemporary Canadian fiction and poetry, she was Canada Research Chair in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature and the founder and Director of TransCanada Institute at the University of Guelph for eight years. Her recent publications include the co-edited volumes Retooling the Humanities: The Culture of Research in Canadian Universities and Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies.
University of British Columbia
Christopher Lee is Associate Professor of English at the University of British Columbia, where he is the director of the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies Program. He is the author of The Semblance of Identity: Aesthetic Mediation in Asian American Literature (2012). His current research focuses on literary thought in the Chinese diaspora during the Cold War and the cultural politics of Chinese Canadian historical fiction.
University of British Columbia
Laura Moss is Professor of English at UBC where she primarily teaches Canadian and African literatures. Laura served as Associate Editor (Reviews) of Canadian Literature from 2004-2015 and as Acting Editor in 2008 and 2013-14. From 2015 to 2020, she served as Editor-in-Chief of the journal and as co-editor of The CanLit Guides project. In addition to five edited books, Moss has published articles on the work of J.M. Coetzee, M.G. Vassanji, Salman Rushdie, Zadie Smith, Margaret Atwood, Chinua Achebe, Rohinton Mistry, and Antje Krog, among others, and has written on literary pedagogy, public arts policy in Canada, multiculturalism policy, seed practices, and public memorials in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Her current research concerns environmental art and activism in Canada. And she now hold the Brenda and David McLean Chair in Canadian Studies (2019-21). Since Spring 2020, she has served as the Associate Dean of Students in the UBC Faculty of Arts.
Université de Montréal
Lianne Moyes specializes in the fields of Canadian and anglo-Quebec literature with a focus on women’s writing. She is editor of Gail Scott: Essays on Her Works (2002), co-editor of Adjacencies: Minority Writing in Canada (2004) and co-editor of two special dossiers in Québec Studies (1999; 2008). From 1993 to 2003, she was co-editor of the bilingual, feminist journal Tessera. Her work on Montreal writing has appeared recently in Voix et images, Canadian Literature and Open Letter as well as in the collections Language Acts (2007), Trans.Can.Lit (2007), Wider Boundaries of Daring (2009), Contemporanéités de Gertrude Stein (2011) and Failure’s Opposite: Listening to A. M. Klein (2011). She is Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of English Studies at the Université de Montréal.
St. Francis Xavier University
Maureen Moynagh (PhD University of Texas-Austin) is Associate Professor of English at St. Francis Xavier University where she teaches postcolonial and African-Canadian literature, and literary and cultural theory. Her research interests include African diasporic writing, modernism and empire, imperial travel and the construction of whiteness, and political tourism. Her edition, Nancy Cunard: Essays on Race and Empire, was published by Broadview Press in 2002. (2002).
University of Zagreb
Vanja Polić is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, where she teaches literary theory, contemporary Canadian literature and film, and the eighteenth-century British novel. She has widely published articles on Canadian literature and culture, and is the author of a monograph on the rhetorical practices of self-legitimation in the prefatory materials of the early eighteenth-century British novel (2012). Her research interests include postcolonial literature and postmodernism. Her current project concerns contemporary western Canadian literature, with special emphasis on the revisions of the myth of the West. She is the President of the Croatian-Canadian Academic Society.
University of Alberta
Julie Rak is a Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta. She is interested in auto/biography and life writing, popular culture, book history and English Canadian writing. Julie’s latest book is Boom! Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market (2013). With Anna Poletti, she has just finished a forthcoming collection Identity Technologies: Constructing the Self Online (2014). Julie is also the author of Negotiated Memory: Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse (2004) and the editor of Auto/biography in Canada: Critical Directions (2005). She is writing a book about gender and mountaineering expedition accounts.
Simon Fraser University
Deanna Reder (Cree/Métis) is Associate Professor in the Departments of First Nations Studies and English at Simon Fraser University, where she teaches courses in Indigenous popular fiction and Canadian Indigenous literatures, especially autobiography. She is Principal Investigator of a five-year SSHRC funded project for 2015-2020 called “The People and the Text: Indigenous Writing in Northern North America up to 1992.” She has co-edited several anthologies including Troubling Tricksters (2010) and Learn, Teach, Challenge (2016), and Read, Listen, Tell (2017). The most recent is Honouring the Strength of Indian Women, a collection of plays, stories, and poetry of Vera Manuel, forthcoming from the University of Manitoba Press.
University of Winnipeg
Candida Rifkind is a Professor in the Department of English at the University of Winnipeg, Canada, where she specializes in comics and graphic narratives, life writing, and Canadian literature and culture. She is co-editor of Documenting Trauma in Comics: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories, and Graphic Reportage (Palgrave, 2020); Canadian Graphic: Picturing Life Narratives (Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2016), which won 2016 the Gabrielle Roy Prize; and a special issue of a/b: Auto/biography Studies on “Migration, Exile, and Diaspora in Graphic Life Narratives” (2020). Her monograph, Comrades and Critics: Women, Literature, and the Left in 1930s Canada (2009), won the 2010 Anne Saddlemyer Prize.
University of Nottingham
Gillian Roberts is Associate Professor in the Department of American and Canadian Studies at the University of Nottingham. She is the author of two monographs, Prizing Literature: The Celebration and Circulation of National Culture (University of Toronto Press, 2011), which won the Pierre Savard Award, and Discrepant Parallels: Cultural Implications of the Canada-US Border (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015). She is also the co-editor of Parallel Encounters: Culture at the Canada-US Border (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013) and was Co-Investigator of the Culture and the Canada-US Border international research network (2012-2015), which was funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
University of Ottawa
Cynthia Sugars is Professor of English in the Department of English at the University of Ottawa. She is the author of numerous articles on Canadian literature and has edited three collections of essays on Canadian literature and postcolonial theory: Unhomely States: Theorizing English-Canadian Postcolonialism (Broadview, 2004); Home-Work: Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature (University of Ottawa Press, 2004); and Unsettled Remains: Canadian Literature and the Postcolonial Gothic (Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2009). She is also the co-editor, with Laura Moss, of the two-volume historical anthology of Canadian literature, entitled Canadian Literature in English: Texts and Contexts, published by Pearson/Penguin in 2009. With Herb Wyile, she is the editor of Studies in Canadian Literature.
Wilfrid Laurier University
Eleanor Ty, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, is Professor of English at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario. She has published on cultural memory, graphic novel, Asian North American, and on 18th Century literature. She was a Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair at UC Santa Barbara in 2019. Her recent works include: Asianfail: Narratives of Disenchantment and the Model Minority (U of Illinois P, 2017); Unfastened: Globality and Asian North American Narratives (U of Minnesota P, 2010), and The Politics of the Visible in Asian North American Narratives (U Toronto P 2004). With Candida Rifkind and Nima Naghibi, she co-edited an issue of a/b: Auto/Biography Studies on Migration, Exile and Diaspora in Graphic Life Narratives (Spring 2020).
University of Toronto Scarborough
Karina Vernon is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Toronto Scarborough where she teaches literature written in what is currently Canada. Her book, The Black Prairie Archive: An Anthology, brings together a new regional archive of literature, from 1872 to the present; it will be published by Wilfrid Laurier University Press in 2019. Her other published and forthcoming work focuses on black literature, aesthetics, multiculturalism, pedagogy, spatial justice, and decolonization.