Cultural Memories
January 29, 2015
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Similar Reviews
- Engendering China by Lily Cho
Chinese Femininities, Chinese Masculinities by Susan Brownell and Jeffrey Wasserstrom Tales of a Chinese Grandmother by Frances Carpenter
- Power Works by Maria Noëlle Ng
Cultural Politics: Class, Gender, Race and the Postmodern World by Glenn Jordan and Chris Weedon Engendering China: Women, Culture and the State by Christina K. Gilmartin, Gail Hershatter, Lisa Rofel and Tyrene White
- Land, Identity, Community by Jasmine Johnston
Oral History on Trial: Recognizing Aboriginal Narratives in the Courts by Bruce Granville Miller The Strength of Women: Âhkamêyimowak by Priscilla Settee Beyond Blood: Rethinking Indigenous Indigeneity by Pamela D. Palmater
- Challenging Slums by Daniel Harvey
Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World by Doug Saunders
- The Trickster Discourse of Thomas King by Marlene Goldman
Border Crossings: Thomas King’s Cultural Inversions by Arnold E. Davidson, Priscilla L. Walton and Jennifer Andrews