Images of Selves
January 29, 2015
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Similar Reviews
- Altering Historical Circumstances by June Scudeler
Circumstances Alter Photographs: Captain James Peters' Reports from the War of 1885 by Michael Barnholden
- Writing Traditions by Robert Alvin Miller
Strategic Transformations in Nigerian Writing: Orality and History in the Work of Rev. Samuel Johnson, Amos Tutuola and Ben Okri by Ato Quayson
- Guided Fantasies by Catherine Rainwater
Keepers of the Animals: Native Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac In Celebration of Our Survival: The First Nations of British Columbia by Doreen Jansen and Cheryl Brooks
- Overdue and Underdone by Eric Thompson
A World in Flames, 1944-1945 by Richard S. Malone Beyond Courage by George Cassar A Portrait of War, 1939-1943 by Richard S. Malone Back the Attack! by Jean Bruce We Stand on Guard by Michael Richardson and John Robert Colombo
- Picturing Our Past by Diana Brydon
The Inuit: Life As It Was by Richard Harrington Canada: A History in Photographs by Gordon Dodds and Roger Hall The Icelanders by David Arnason and Michael Olito The Islands of Canada by Marian Engel