Cornel Bogle

Cornel Bogle is an assistant professor of Caribbean and Black diasporic literatures at Simon Fraser University. His creative writing and literary criticism have appeared in several publications. He is co-editor, with Michael Bucknor, of “Recognition and Recovery of Caribbean Canadian Cultural Production,” a special issue of Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies. Among other distinctions, his critical work on Austin Clarke was awarded the Herb Wyile Prize in Canadian Literature.

Works by Cornel Bogle

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Cornel Bogle

"i hold a hyphen between my fingers": Kaie Kellough's Crossings
By Cornel Bogle
Published in Canadian Literature 248 (2022): 182-186.
  • Magnetic Equator by Kaie Kellough
  • Dominoes at the Crossroads by Kaie Kellough
"memory knows no compromise"
By Cornel Bogle
Published in Emerging Scholars, Redux Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 242 (2020): 162-164.
  • From Turtle Island to Gaza by David Groulx
  • Before I Was a Critic I Was a Human Being by Amy Fung