Dougal McNeill

Dougal is a P?keh? critic and teacher working in the School of English, Film, Theatre, Media Studies and Art History at Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, Aotearoa / New Zealand. Roy Miki’s poetry has obsessed him for many years, and he started thinking with Flow when he was lucky enough to be a visiting fellow in the Centre for Asia and Pacific Studies at Seikei University, Tokyo, in December 2018. Dougal’s teaching covers modernism and Australian, Canadian and New Zealand literatures, and he has published articles and chapters in the Oxford History of the Novel in EnglishA History of New Zealand LiteratureStudies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne, Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, and the Journal of New Zealand Literature.

Works by Dougal McNeill

Book Reviews by Dougal McNeill

Playful Disruption
By Dougal McNeill
Published in Emerging Scholars, Redux Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 242 (2020): 169-170.
  • Pictura: Essays on the Works of Roy Kiyooka by Juliana Pivato (Editor)
  • The Poetic Imperative: A Speculative Aesthetics by Johanna Skibsrud
Productive Uncertainties
By Dougal McNeill
Published in 60th Anniversary Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 239 (2019): 145-146.
  • Comparative Literature for the New Century by Joseph Pivato (Editor) and Giulia De Gasperi (Editor)
  • Almost Islands: Phyllis Webb and the Pursuit of the Unwritten by Stephen Collis
  • War Is Here: The Vietnam War and Canadian Literature by Robert McGill