Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr

Works by Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr

Life-Writing Trilogy
By Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr
Published in Canadian Literature 256 (2024): 178-180.
  • Us, Now: Stories from The Quilted Collective by Lisa Moore (Editor)
  • The Queer Evangelist: A Socialist Clergy’s Radically Honest Tale by Cheri DiNovo
  • Mennonite Valley Girl: A Wayward Coming of Age by Carla Funk
New York to Muddy York
By Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr
Published in Canadian Literature 247 (2021): 135-136.
  • Pulpit, Press, and Politics: Methodists and the Market for Books in Upper Canada by Scott McLaren
Communal History
By Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr
Published in Canadian Literature 248 (2022): 181-182.
  • Rough and Plenty by Raymond A. Rogers