Pandemics: Author Spotlight – D. S. Stymeist

D.S. Stymeist’s debut collection, The Bone Weir, was published by Frontenac in 2016 and was a finalist for the Canadian Author’s Association Award for Poetry. He continues to publish widely in both academic and literary magazines. Alongside fending off Crohn’s disease, he teaches creative writing, Renaissance drama, and crime fiction at Carleton University. He grew up as a non-indigenous member of a mixed heritage family on O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation; these formative experiences continue to guide and shape his cultural hybridity. For a number of years, he was president of VERSe Ottawa, which runs VERSeFest, Ottawa’s international poetry festival.


His poem “Last Dance at the Museum” can be read on our website at


Canadian Literature issue 245, Pandemics, is available to order through our online store at