
Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Deep Salt Water by Marianne Apostolides
The Nonnets by Aaron Giovannone
This Will Be Good by Mallory Tater
My Dinosaur by François Turcot and Erín Mouré
Precious Energy by Shannon Bramer
Charm by Christine McNair
If Pressed by Andrew McEwan
Better Nature by Fenn Stewart
Beautiful Children with Pet Foxes by Jennifer LoveGrove
Readopolis by Bertrand Laverdure and Oana Avasilichioaei
Silvija by Sandra Ridley
Rich and Poor by Jacob Wren
Comma by Jennifer Still
Job Shadowing by Malcolm Sutton
False Friends by Stephen Cain
Testament by Vickie Gendreau and Amiee Wall
Lost Originals by David B. Goldstein
Waiting Room by Jennifer Zilm
How To Draw A Rhinoceros by Kate Sutherland
Conjugation by Phil Hall
The Relativistic Empire by Samuel Andreyev
Myrmurs: An Exploded Sestina by Shannon Maguire
Little Death: A Play by Daniel Karasik
I Don’t Feel So Good by Elizabeth Bachinsky
One Hundred Days of Rain by Carellin Brooks
Deep Too by Stan Dragland
Virtualis: Topologies of the Unreal by Christine Stewart and David Dowker
Form of Forms by Mark Goldstein
Recipes from the Red Planet by Meredith Quartermain
Fieldnotes, a Forensic by Kate Eichhorn
Fond by Kate Eichhorn
Expeditions of a Chimæra by Oana Avasilichioaei and Erín Mouré
Nature by Mark Truscott
Unleashed by Sina Queyras
(made) by Cara Benson
declining america by Rob Budde
After the 6ix O'Clock News by Kemeny Babineau
We Are Here by Niels Hav, Patrick Friesen and P. K. Brask
Swim by Marianne Apostolides
23 Skidoo / Subtractions by Michael Boughn
Curio by Elizabeth Bachinsky
The Rose Concordance by Angela Carr
Recipes from the Red Planet by Meredith Quartermain
Fieldnotes, a Forensic by Kate Eichhorn
Horizontal Surfaces by George Bowering
Cop Kisser by Steven Zultanski
repeater by Andrew McEwan
Form of Forms by Mark Goldstein
Bent at the Spine by Nicole Markoti?
Killdeer by Phil Hall