Copp Clark Pitman

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Morley Callaghan by Victor Hoar
Frederick Philip Grove by Douglas O. Spettigue
Brian Moore by Hallvard Dahlie
Earle Birney by Frank Davey
History of the Canadian Peoples: 1867 to the Present. Vol. 4 by Bryan N. S. Gooch and Veronica Strong-Boag
History of the Canadian Peoples: 1867 to the Present, Vol. 2 by Alvin Finkel, Margaret Conrad and Veronica Strong-Boag
Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History by Veronica Strong-Boag and Anita Clair Fellman
History of the Canadian Peoples: Beginnings to 1867, Vol. 1 by Margaret Conrad, Alvin Finkel and Cornelius Jaenen
Earle Birney by Mary Jane Edwards
Margaret Avison by Ernest Redekop
Al Purdy by George Bowering
Four Hemispheres by W. H. New
A. M. Klein by Miriam Waddington
Hugh MacLennan by George Woodcock
Mocassin and Cross by Sara Eaton
Philosophy in the Mass Age by George P. Grant