Red Deer College Press

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

Josepha by Jim McGugan and Murray Kimber
Dreams of the Sea by Élisabeth Vonarburg
Heroines by Joyce Doolittle
Soul Searching by Dennis Cooley
Taking the Gate by Stephen Scobie
Random Access File by Roy Miki
Gospel: A Poem by Stephen Scobie
Kitchen Talk by Edna Alford and Claire Harris
Zero Hour by Kristjana Gunnars
Flat Side by Monty Reid
Zero Hour by Kristjana Gunnars
The Prowler by Kristjana Gunnars
Vanity Shades by Mary Howes
Places Far from Ellesmere by Aritha van Herk
The Alternate Guide by Monty Reid
Seventy-One Poems for People by Claude Boisvert
Instar, Poems and Stories by Anne Szumigalski
The Mad Trapper by Rudy Wiebe
Café des Westerns by Norman Ravvin