Ryerson Press

Books Reviewed by Canadian Literature

The Jokeman by Leo Vaughan
The Varsity Chapbook by John Robert Colombo
Descent From Eden by Fred Cogswell
Behold the Hour by Jeann Beattie
The Scarlet Lily by Nan Shipley
That Chainletter Hiway by Len Gasparini
I've Tasted My Blood by Milton Acorn
In an Iron Glove by Claire Martin
Passage of Summer by Elizabeth Brewster
Indian and Eskimo Art in Canada by Ian Christie Clark
Out of Silence by William Read
Archibald Lampman by Michael Gnarowski
A Nice Place to Visit by Hugh Garner
Acknowledgment to Life by Bertram Warr and Len Gasparini
While I Still Remember by Wilfred Eggleston
The Canadian Experience by D. M. L. Farr and John S. Moir
Democracy and Discontent by Walter D. Young
The Long Hunt by Fred Bruemmer
Ryerson of Upper Canada by Clara Thomas
Guerillas and Grenadiers by L. K. Steele
Fifteen Winds by Al (Alfred W) Purdy and Donald Stephens
The Documentaries by Dorothy Livesay
Face of Leacock by Donald Cameron
Pointing by Lionel Kearns
Man Deserves Man by Bill McWhiney and Dave Godfrey
Cabbagetown by Hugh Garner
Storm Below by Hugh Garner
Silence on the Shore by Hugh Garner
The Unquiet Bed by Dorothy Livesay
Modern Canadian Stories by Roberto Ruberto and Giose Rimanelli
The Danish Portraits by Heather Spears
During Rain, I Plant Chrysanthemums by Lakshmi (Myrna) Gill
Essays from Quebec: Convergence by Jean Le Moyne and Philip Stratford
Rhymes of Rebellion by John S. Moir
Men and Women by Hugh Garner
Legends of My People and the Great Ojibway by Norval Morriseau and Selwyn Dewdney
Black and Secret Man by Eli Mandel
Montcalm and Wolfe by Francis Parkman
Lorne Pierce: A Profile by C. H. Dickinson
A Breakfast for Barbarians by Gwendolyn MacEwen
Mass Media in Canada by John A. Irving
Blind Man’s Holiday by R. G. Everson
Louis Riel by George F. G. Stanley
Riel by John Coulter
The Sea is Also a Garden by Phyllis Webb
Flying a Red Kite by Hugh Hood
Short of the Glory by E. M. Granger Bennet
The Split in the Sky by Jessie L. Beattie
Remember, Nurse by Donalda McKillop Copeland and Eugenie Louise Myles
Hidden for 1,000 Days by Sara Veffer and Ray Sonin
Under the Ice by Alden Nowlan
Twice to Flame by Dorothy Roberts
The Heart is Fire by Douglas Lochhead
Poems by Michael Collie
Ian of Red River by Ragnhildur Guttormsson
The Scarlet Lily by Nan Shipley
Prairie Harvest by Arthur G. Storey
The McGill Chapbook by Leslie L. Kaye
Challenge and Response by Chalmers & Irvine
The Crafte so Longe to Lerne by Al (Alfred W) Purdy
Moon Lake and Other Poems by R. E. Rashley
River and Realm by Theresa E. and Don. W. Thomson
Songs of Old Manitoba by Margaret Arnett MacLeod
Days of Living by Martin Roher
The Green Gables Letters by Wilfred Eggleston
Faces of Love by Mary Elizabeth Bayer