Hilary Clark

Works by Hilary Clark

Book ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Hilary Clark

En plein air
By Hilary Clark
Published in web format on Canadian Literature‘s website. (Pending print publication.)
  • Daystart Songflight: A Morning Journal by Brian Bartlett
Off on an Angle
By Hilary Clark
Published in Lost and Found Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 236 (2018): 168-169.
  • Reveries of a Solitary Biker by Catriona Strang
  • The Receiver by Sharon Thesen
Poems of Witness
By Hilary Clark
Published in Gabrielle Roy contemporaine/The Contemporary Gabrielle Roy. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 192 (Spring 2007): 177-179.
  • Momentary Dark: New Poems by Margaret Avison
  • Inventory by Dionne Brand
  • Before the First Word: The Poetry of Lorna Crozier by Catherine Hunter (Editor)
Restless Women
By Hilary Clark
Published in Anne Carson. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 176 (Spring 2003): 162-164.
  • Ring Finger, Left Hand by Katherine Lawrence
  • Some Bones and a Story by Alice Major
  • Talking Down the Northern Lights by Shelley A. Leedahl
Trance Ition
By Hilary Clark
Published in Native Writers & Canadian Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 124-125 (Spring/Summer 1990): 341-343.
  • Tracing the Paths: Reading ? Writing The Martyrology by Roy Miki (Editor)
“Unhinge yourself”
By Hilary Clark
Published in Indigenous Focus. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 215 (Winter 2012): 181-82.
  • Endgames by Andrew Stubbs
  • From Room to Room: The Poetry of Eli Mandel by Eli Mandel
  • Gimp Crow by Ken Kowal

Book Reviews of Hilary Clark's Works