Reece Steinberg

Works by Reece Steinberg

Book Reviews

Book Reviews by Reece Steinberg

Post-Communist Power Plays
By Reece Steinberg
Published in Canadian Literature 206 (Autumn 2010): 142-144.
  • The Culprits by Robert Hough
  • Anna's Shadow by David Manicom
War's Children
By Reece Steinberg
Published in Canadian Literature 206 (Autumn 2010): 120-121.
  • Off to War by Deborah Ellis
  • Tell No One Who You Are by Walter Buchignani
Hidden and Exposed in BC
By Reece Steinberg
Published in Canadian Literature 216 (Spring 2013): 164-66.
  • And See What Happens: The Journey Poems by Ursula Vaira
  • Seeing Lessons by Catherine Owen
  • A Thoroughly Wicked Woman: Murder, Perjury & Trial by Newspaper by Betty Keller
  • Edge of the Sound: Memoirs of a West Coast Log Salvager by Jo Hammond
  • 4 Poets by Onjana Yawnghwe, Al Rempel, Peter Morin and Daniela Elza