Neil Carson

Works by Neil Carson

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Neil Carson

Creating Collectively
By Neil Carson
Published in Strangers & Strange Voices. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 141 (Summer 1994): 123-125.
  • Playwrights of Collective Creation (The Canadian Dramatist, Vol. II) by Diane Bessai and Christopher Innes (Editor)
  • The Plays of Codco by Helen Peters
Early Stages
By Neil Carson
Published in Writing & Cultural Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 130 (Autumn 1991): 171-172.
  • Sacred Hearts by Colleen Curran
  • Scientific Americans by John Mighton
  • See Bob Run & Wild Abandon by Daniel Mcivor
First Stage
By Neil Carson
Published in Popular Culture. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 108 (Spring 1986): 189-190.
  • Robertson Davies, Playwright by Susan Stone-Blackburn
Hits & Misses
By Neil Carson
Published in B.C. Writers / Reviews Issue. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 102 (Autumn 1984): 189-191.
  • Talking Dirty by Sherman Snukal
  • The Fighting Parson by C. H. Gervais
  • Full Circle by Glenn M. Frew
A Damp Fuse
By Neil Carson
Published in National Origins. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 52 (Spring 1972): 92-94.
  • Captives of the Faceless Drummer by George Ryga

Articles by Neil Carson