A Feast of Literature and a Helping of Literary Criticism

  • Beryl Mildred Cryer (Editor) and Chris Arnett (Editor)
    Two Houses Half-Buried in Sand: Oral Traditions of the Hul'q'umi'num' Coast Salish of Kuper Island and Vancouver Island. Talonbooks
  • Janice Acoose, Lisa Brooks, Tol Foster, LeAnne Howe, Daniel Heath Justice, Philip Carroll Morgan, Kimberley Roppolo, Christopher B. Teuton, Sean Teuton and Robert Warrior
    Reasoning Together: The Native Critics Collective. University of Oklahoma Press
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This review “A Feast of Literature and a Helping of Literary Criticism” originally appeared in Strategic Nationalisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 200 (Spring 2009): 137-139.

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