A Poetic Potpourri

  • Alfred G. Bailey
    The Sun the Wind the Summer Field. Goose Lane Editions
  • George Amabile, Leonard Gasparini, Seymour Mayne, George Swede and Ted Plantos
    Five-o'clock Shadows. Letters Bookshop
  • François Charon, Bruce Whitman (Translator) and Francis Farley-Chevrier (Translator)
    After Ten Thousand Years, Desire: Selected Recent Poems. ECW Press
  • Robin Skelton
    One Leaf Shaking: Collected Later Poems 1977-1990. Beach Holme Publishing
  • Mark Cochrane
    Boy Am I. Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd.
Reviewed by R. W. Stedingh
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This review “A Poetic Potpourri” originally appeared in Mostly Drama. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 168 (Spring 2001): 122-125.

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