
Canadian Literature recognizes the accomplishments of their students, editors, and scholars through various award and prize opportunities.

Canadian Literature Student Award

We’re proud to nurture and mentor upcoming young editors with a special expertise in the field of Canadian literature and publishing through our annual Canadian Literature Student Award.

This award provides an Arts Co-op student with a one-year paid editorial internship at our journal, which gives them the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of Canadian literature and acquire practical experience in publishing, research, editing, and writing.

Recently, this award has been expanded to assist graduate students who are working on CanLit Guides, an online teaching and learning resource. CanLit Guides allows graduate students the opportunity to develop and edit content in a collaborative environment and receive feedback from professors and editors in the field.

Canadian Literature Student Award Recipients

Past Canadian Literature Co-op Students

  • Doug Giles
  • Kristin McHale
  • Nicole Maunsell
  • Robert Parungao
  • Russell Aquino
  • Fayza Bundalli
  • Cathy Miyagi
  • Nicki Shidmehr

Graduate Students Supported by Canadian Literature


  • Dylan Jackson


  • Sharon Engbrecht
  • Sheila Giffen
  • Brendan McCormack
  • Scott Inniss

CanLit Guides

  • Mike Borkent
  • Karen Correia Da Silva
  • Sheila Griffin
  • Alissa McArthur
  • Jamie Paris
  • Cara Woodruff
  • Brendan McCormack



  • Jean Marie-Gérald

ACQL Barbara Godard Prize

We’re pleased to present the winning papers of the ACQL-ALCQ Barbara Godard Prize for Best Paper by an Emerging Scholar.  

ACQL Barbara Godard Prize Recipients 

CanLit Essay Prize

The Canadian Literature Essay Prize was awarded annually from 2011-2014 to the best of the 24 articles publish each year.

  • (2014) McKegney, Sam. “‘pain, pleasure, shame. Shame’: Masculine Embodiment, Kinship, and Indigenous Reterritorialization.” Canadian Literature 216 (2013): 12–33.
  • (2013) Deanna Reder, Susan Gingell, Allison Hargreaves, Daniel Heath Justice, Kristina Bidwell, and Jo-Ann Episkenew. “Thinking Together: A Forum on Jo-Ann Episkenew’s Taking Back Our Spirits: Indigenous Literature, Public Policy and Healing.” Canadian Literature 214 (Autumn 2012): 91-127.
  • (2012) Meredith Quartermain. “T’ang’s Bathtub: Innovative Work by Four Canadian Poets.” 21st Century Poetics. Ed. Clint Burnham and Christine Stewart. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 210-211 (Autumn/Winter 2011): 116-132.
  • (2011) Eli MacLaren and Josée Vincent. “Book Policies and Copyright in Canada and Quebec: Defending National Cultures.” Canadian Literature 204 (Spring 2010): 63-82.