Hilary Clark

Works by Hilary Clark

Book ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Hilary Clark

En plein air
By Hilary Clark
Published in Canadian Literature 256 (2024): 177-178.
  • Daystart Songflight: A Morning Journal by Brian Bartlett
Off on an Angle
By Hilary Clark
Published in Lost and Found Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 236 (2018): 168-169.
  • Reveries of a Solitary Biker by Catriona Strang
  • The Receiver by Sharon Thesen
Poems of Witness
By Hilary Clark
Published in Gabrielle Roy contemporaine/The Contemporary Gabrielle Roy. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 192 (Spring 2007): 177-179.
  • Momentary Dark: New Poems by Margaret Avison
  • Inventory by Dionne Brand
  • Before the First Word: The Poetry of Lorna Crozier by Catherine Hunter (Editor)
Restless Women
By Hilary Clark
Published in Anne Carson. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 176 (Spring 2003): 162-164.
  • Ring Finger, Left Hand by Katherine Lawrence
  • Some Bones and a Story by Alice Major
  • Talking Down the Northern Lights by Shelley A. Leedahl
Trance Ition
By Hilary Clark
Published in Native Writers & Canadian Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 124-125 (Spring/Summer 1990): 341-343.
  • Tracing the Paths: Reading ? Writing The Martyrology by Roy Miki (Editor)
“Unhinge yourself”
By Hilary Clark
Published in Indigenous Focus. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 215 (Winter 2012): 181-82.
  • Endgames by Andrew Stubbs
  • From Room to Room: The Poetry of Eli Mandel by Eli Mandel
  • Gimp Crow by Ken Kowal

Book Reviews of Hilary Clark's Works