Phyllis Grosskurth

Works by Phyllis Grosskurth

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Phyllis Grosskurth

By Phyllis Grosskurth
Published in Native Writers & Canadian Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 124-125 (Spring/Summer 1990): 348-349.
  • Beyond the Blue Mountains: An Autobiography by George Woodcock
Still Hero
By Phyllis Grosskurth
Published in Poets’ Words. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 115 (Winter 1987): 190-191.
  • Stef: A Biography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson by William R. Hunt
Huxley Observed
By Phyllis Grosskurth
Published in Poets Past and Future. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 56 (Spring 1973): 117-119.
  • Dawn and the Darkest Hour, A Study of Aldous Huxley by George Woodcock
Inexhaustible Riches
By Phyllis Grosskurth
Published in Anna, Susanna, and Catharine. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 51 (Winter 1972): 94-95.
  • The Grasping Imagination: The American Writings of Henry James by Peter Buitenhuis (Author)
Gentle Quebec
By Phyllis Grosskurth
Published in Views of Novelists. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 49 (Summer 1971): 83-85.
  • Windflower by Gabrielle Roy
Crowded Space
By Phyllis Grosskurth
Published in Aspects of Layton. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 48 (Spring 1971): 83-84.
  • The Rise and Fall of Married Charlie by Anthony Blicq

Articles by Phyllis Grosskurth