Susan Rudy Dorscht

Susan Rudy Dorscht is also known as Susan Rudy.

Works by Susan Rudy Dorscht

Book ReviewsOpinionsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Susan Rudy Dorscht

Wanting Undecidability
By Susan Rudy Dorscht
Published in Urquhart and Munro. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 150 (Autumn 1996): 140-142.
  • The Old Dualities: Deconstructing Robert Kroetsch and His Critics by Dianne Tiefensee
Her Howl Inside Us
By Susan Rudy Dorscht
Published in Community Values. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 148 (Spring 1996): 139-140.
  • Not Vanishing by Chrystos
  • Proper Deafinitions: Collected Theorogratns by Betsy Warland
  • Dream On by Chrystos
Managing, Mostly
By Susan Rudy Dorscht
Published in Nature, Politics, Poetics. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 136 (Spring 1993): 176-177.
  • Mostly Country: Short Stories by Rosemary Nixon
  • Managing Just Fine by Joan Fern Shaw
Ordinary Signifiers
By Susan Rudy Dorscht
Published in The Languages of Poetry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 129 (Summer 1991): 160-161.
  • The Whole Elephant by Marlene Cookshaw
  • More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor by George Lakoff and Mark Turner
  • Seven Hills by Florence Vale
By Susan Rudy Dorscht
Published in Poets’ Words. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 115 (Winter 1987): 257-260.
  • Learning on the Job by Robert Currie
  • The Trees Just Moved Into a Season of Other Shapes by Jane Munro
  • In the Spirit of the Times by Ken Norris
  • Backing into Heaven by Steve Noyes

Opinions by Susan Rudy Dorscht