
Book Reviews

Mandate & Manifesto (p. 151-152)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Mother of the Grass by Jovette Marchessault and Yvonne M. Klein
  • Femmes scandales: 1965-1985 by Jeanne Demers and Line McMurry
  • Artemisia Gentileschi by Mary D. Garrard

Writing Home (p. 152-154)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Lost Salt Gift of Blood: New & Selected Stories by Alistair Macleod

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Théorie littéraire: problèmes et perspectives by Marc Angenot, Jean Bessière Douwe Fokkema and Eva Kushner
  • The New Poetics in Canada and Quebec: From Concretism to Post-Modernism by Caroline Bayard

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Confusion of Stones: Two Novellas by Marwan Hassan
  • When the Words Burn: An Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry: 1945-1987 by John Mikhail Asfour

Complex Yet Closed (p. 158-159)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Time of Icicles by Mary Dalton
  • No Greater Love by Sheila Martindale
  • Winter by Patrick Lane

Ordinary Signifiers (p. 160-161)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Whole Elephant by Marlene Cookshaw
  • More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor by George Lakoff and Mark Turner
  • Seven Hills by Florence Vale

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Postwar Novel in Canada: Narrative Patterns and Reader Response by Rosmarin Heidenreich

Back to Africa (p. 163-165)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • White Snakes by Leon Whiteson
  • Mimosa by Bill Schermbrucker

Tensions (p. 165-167)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Coastland: New and Selected Poems 1973-1987 by Cyril Dabydeen
  • Sky Falling Sunny Tomorrow by Rod Anderson
  • A Season in Beware by Mary Melfi

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Plainspeaking: Interviews with Saskatchewan Writers by Doris Hillis
  • Sky High: Stories from Saskatchewan by Geoffrey Ursell

Parents & Children (p. 169-170)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Paradise Café and other stories by Martha Brooks
  • Forms of Captivity and Escape by J. J. Steinfeld

(How True) (p. 170-172)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • True Poetry: Traditional and Popular Verse in Ontario by Pauline J. Greenhill
  • Aestheticism and the Canadian Modernists: Aspects of a Poetic Influence by Brian Trehearne

Foreign Views (p. 172-173)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'Amerique française devant l'opinion d'étrangère 1756-1960 by Robert Hébert

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Northrop Frye: A Biography by John Ayre
  • Northrop Frye: Anatomy of His Criticism by A. C. Hamilton

Two Plus Two (p. 175-176)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Victor by Gilles Cop
  • La Grève des animaux by Catherine Dupont
  • Angel and the Polar Bear by Marie-Louise Gay
  • Kenji and the Cricket by Adele Wiseman

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Public Nuissance: A History of the Mummers Troupe by Chris Brookes

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Kanadier, Pepsis, Frankokanadier und Quebecois: Darstellungen der frankophonen Kanadier in der kanadischen Literatur, 1940-81 by Jörg-Peter Schleser

Turned Inside Out (p. 178-180)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Other Side of the Dark by Judith Thompson
  • The Dressing Room by Sky Gilbert
  • Lilly, Alta by Dyba Kenneth

Black Curtain (p. 180-182)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Voice of the Crane by David Gurr

Integration (p. 182-184)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'intolérable illusion d'un jardinier d'enfants by Real-Gabriel Bujold

Mystery (p. 184-187)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Reading Mavis Gallant by Janice Kulyk Keefer

Songs & Lovers (p. 187-188)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Songs from the Star Motel by Ian Adams
  • Maps with Moving Parts by Walid Bitar
  • Biased Analogies by Shaunt Basmajian
  • Hiram and Jenny by Richard Outram

Fascinating Jouney (p. 189-190)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Engaged Elsewhere — Short Stories by Canadians Abroad by Kent Thompson

Crazy Quilt (p. 190-192)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Man Wanders Sometimes by Kent Baker
  • Eyestone by D. R. MacDonald

Collecting Pratt (p. 192-193)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • E. J. Pratt: Complete Poems, 2 vols. by E. J. Pratt, R. G. Moyles and Sandra Djwa

Theatre History (p. 193-195)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Le Théâtre au Québec 1825-1980 by Renée Legris, Jean-Marc Larrue, André-G. Bourassa and Gilbert David

Passion of Age (p. 195-196)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • No Time by Margaret Avison
  • Waiting for the Sun: Poetics/Theology/Rhetoric in Margaret Avison's sunblue by C. D. Mazoff

Confident Mutuality (p. 196-198)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Buddha Named Baudelaire by Ron Smith
  • Sense of Season by David Manicom
  • Becoming My Father by Claude Liman

Ravening (p. 198-200)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Solomon Gursky Was Here by Mordecai Richler

Beauty of Life (p. 200-201)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • The Year in Pictures by Barbara Carey
  • Positions to Pray In by Barry Dempster
  • Homeless Heart by Don Bailey

Transcendence (p. 201-203)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • P. K. Page and Her Works by John Orange

Cassandra (p. 203-204)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'Ange de la solitude by Marie-Claire Blais

Feminism & Misogyny (p. 205-207)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) by Sylvie Chaput
  • La Femme au 19e Siècle by Margaret Fuller and Sylvie Chaput
  • Baie des Anges by Serge Viau

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Crossing the River: Essays in Honour of Margaret Laurence by Kristjana Gunnars

Enchanted Space (p. 208-210)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Friend of My Youth by Alice Munro

Rosinance (p. 210-211)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • History of Music in British Columbia 1850-1950 by Dale McIntosh

Folkloric Heritage (p. 211-212)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Canadian Folklore by Edith Fowke
  • American and Canadian Immigrant and Ethnic Folklore. An Annotated Bibliography by Robert A. Georges and Stephen Stern

Patriarchy (p. 213-214)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Écrire dans la maison du père. L'Emergence du féminin dans la tradition littéraire du Québec by Patricia Smart

British Perspective (p. 214-215)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory by Chris Weedon

Journal intime (p. 216-217)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Le Journal intime au Québec. Structure. Evolution. Réception by Pierre Hébert and Marilyn Baszcynski
  • Journal by Henriette Dessaulles

Notes to Herself (p. 217-218)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • A Tragic Victory by Maria Halina Horn

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Chemins vacants by Guy Ducharme
  • Pelures d'oranges/Orange Peels by André Duhaime and Dorothy Howard
  • Le Québec en poésie by Collectif

Couples (p. 220-221)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'Héritage: *Lautomne by Victor-Lévy Beaulieu

Myth & Érotisme (p. 221-222)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Chair Satan by Roger Fournier

Book(s) Reviewed

  • La Vaironne by Evelyne Bernard
  • Les Enfants parfaits by Pierre Voyer

Post-1984 (p. 223-225)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Orwell et 1984: trois approches by Guy Bouchard, André Rocque and Jacques G. Ruelland

Utopias (p. 225-226)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'oiseau de feu: I Les années d'apprentissage by Jacques Brossard
  • L'Ecologie de réel by Pierre Nepveu

L’Ouest Canadien (p. 226-228)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Nipsya by G. Bugnet
  • Totem by Marguerite Primeau

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'institution littéraire by Maurice Lemire
  • L'Histoire littéraire. Théories, méthodes, pratiques by Clément Moisan

Book(s) Reviewed

  • L'atelier du matin by Philippe Haeck
  • L'autre rivage by Antonio D'Alfonso
  • La voix de Carlo by Élise Turcotte
  • Qui ose regarder by Jacques Ouellet

Mort du genre? (p. 231-233)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • La mort du genre by La Nouvelle barre du jour, no. 216-217
  • Les recits de vie: théorie, méthode et trajectoires types by Danelle Desmarais and Paul Grell

Journalism (p. 233-234)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Valentin Jautard (1736-1787). Premier journaliste de langue française au Canada by Jean-Paul de Lagrave and Jacques G. Ruelland

Poème en prose (p. 234-236)

Book(s) Reviewed

  • Hypatie ou la fin des dieux by Jean Marcel