Children's Literature

  • You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith and Danielle Daniel
  • Sukaq and the Raven by Roy Goose, Kerry McCluskey and Soyeon Kim
  • The Gnawer of Rocks by Louise Flaherty and Jim Nelson
  • When We Were Alone by David Alexander Robertson and Julie Flett
  • Jon’s Tricky Journey: A Story for Inuit Children with Cancer and Their Families by Patricia McCarthy and Hwei Lim

  • White Eskimo by Stephen R. Bown
  • How Things Came to Be: Inuit Stories of Creation by Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley and Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley

  • Outstanding in the Rain by Frank Viva
  • Home by Carson Ellis
  • The Fabulous World of Mr. Fred by Lili Chartrand

  • We Are Their Voice: Young People Respond to the Holocaust by Kathy Kacer
  • Lauren Yanofsky Hates the Holocaust by Leanne Lieberman

  • Out of the Box by Michell Mulder
  • She Said/She Saw by Norah McClintock
  • Stones for my Father by Trilby Kent

  • Dear George Clooney: Please Marry My Mom by Susan Nielson
  • Living Outside the Lines by Lesley Choyce

  • Call Me Aram by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
  • The Baby Project by Sarah Ellis
  • The Last Wild Place by Rosa Jordan

  • Cursed! by Maureen Bush
  • The Last Loon by Rebecca Upjohn
  • The Sea Wolves by Nicholas Read
  • Uumajut: Learn About Arctic Wildlife! by Simon Awa, Anna Ziegler, Stephanie McDonald, Neil Christopher, Flaherty Louise, Leah Otak and Caron Romi