Robin McGrath

Works by Robin McGrath

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Robin McGrath

Tales from the Heart of the Arctic
By Robin McGrath
Published in Asian Canadian Critique Beyond the Nation. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 227 (Winter 2015): 158-60.
  • White Eskimo by Stephen R. Bown
  • How Things Came to Be: Inuit Stories of Creation by Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley and Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
A Precarious Balance
By Robin McGrath
Published in Science & Canadian Literature. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 221 (Summer 2014): 143-44.
  • The Port Inventory by Donald McGrath
  • Perfection by Patrick Warner
  • Gift Horse by Mark Callanan
  • Ash Steps by M. Travis Lane
In Pain
By Robin McGrath
Published in Strangers & Strange Voices. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 141 (Summer 1994): 168-169.
  • A Whole Brass Band by Anne Cameron
  • Sundogs by Lee Maracle (Author)
By Robin McGrath
Published in Letters & Other Connections. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 134 (Autumn 1992): 156-158.
  • Kick the Can by Anne Cameron
  • Sojourner's Truth and Other Stories by Lee Maracle (Author)
Anishoni Play
By Robin McGrath
Published in Native Writers & Canadian Writing. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 124-125 (Spring/Summer 1990): 308-310.
  • Renewal: The Prophecy of Manu by Barbara Smith
  • Renewal: Teoni's Giveaway by Barbara Smith

Articles by Robin McGrath