Home & Family

  • This is Happy by Camilla Gibb
  • Between Gods by Alison Pick

  • Martin John by Anakana Shofield
  • Sleep by Nino Ricci

  • Twenty-One Cardinals by Jocelyne Saucier
  • Close to Hugh by Marina Endicott

  • Gone South and Other Ways to Disappear by Julia Leggett
  • Death Sentences by Suzanne Myre

  • Come Back by Rudy Wiebe
  • My October by Claire Holden Rothman
  • Mirror on the Floor by George Bowering

  • Placeholder by Charmaine Cadeau
  • Leaving Howe Island by Sadiqa de Meijer
  • When This World Comes to an End by Kate Cayley

  • The Juliet Stories by Carrie Snyder
  • Beggar’s Feast by Randy Boyagoda

  • Just Like Her by Louise Dupré and Erín Mouré
  • Girlwood by Jennifer Still