Valerie Raoul

Works by Valerie Raoul

Book ReviewsArticlesBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Valerie Raoul

Canadian Idealists?
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Canadian Literature 206 (Autumn 2010): 126-128.
  • Transformations by James Doyle
  • Pale Blue Hope by Ronald Poulton and Valerie Raoul
Confusing Collusions
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Canadian Literature 184 (Spring 2005): 182-183.
  • Rethinking Women's Collaborative Writing by Lorraine York (Author)
Women's Writing in Québec: Then & Now
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Canadian Literature 173 (Summer 2002): 161-163.
  • Le nom de la mère: me?res, filles et e?criture dans la litte?rature que?be?coise au fe?minin by Lori Saint-Martin
  • Trois écrivaines de l'entre-deux-guerres: Alice Lemieux, Eva Sene?cal et Simone Routier by Marie-Claire Brosseau
Journal intime
By Valerie Raoul
Published in The Languages of Poetry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 129 (Summer 1991): 216-217.
  • Le Journal intime au Québec. Structure. Evolution. Réception by Pierre Hébert and Marilyn Baszcynski
  • Journal by Henriette Dessaulles
British Perspective
By Valerie Raoul
Published in The Languages of Poetry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 129 (Summer 1991): 214-215.
  • Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory by Chris Weedon
By Valerie Raoul
Published in The Languages of Poetry. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 129 (Summer 1991): 213-214.
  • Écrire dans la maison du père. L'Emergence du féminin dans la tradition littéraire du Québec by Patricia Smart
Intimate Voices
By Valerie Raoul
Published in The Long Poem / Remembering bp Nichol. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 122-123 (Autumn/Winter 1989): 243-246.
  • Lettres à Lucienne by Alain Grandbois
  • Lettres d'Italie by Denise Boucher
  • Voilà c'est moi: c'est rien, j'angoisse by Anne Dandurand
Convent & Tavern
By Valerie Raoul
Published in The Long Poem / Remembering bp Nichol. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 122-123 (Autumn/Winter 1989): 241-243.
  • L'Histoire de l'alcool au Québec by Robert Prévost, Suzanne Gagné and Michel Phaneuf
  • Taking The Veil: An Alternative to Marriage, Motherhood and Spinsterhood in Que?bec 1840-1920 by Marta Danylewycz
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Magic & Other Realisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 116 (Spring 1988): 173-175.
  • The Bourgeois Experience. Victoria to Freud. Vol I. The Education of the Senses by Peter Gay
  • Hopes and Dreams: The Diary of Henriette Dessaulles, 1874-1881 by Liedewy Hawke
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Magic & Other Realisms. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 116 (Spring 1988): 117-118.
  • Anne Hébert: Architexture romanesque by Janet M. Paterson
Ferron's Appeal
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Timothy Findley & the War Novel. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 91 (Winter 1981): 155-157.
  • L'Amélanchier by Jacques Ferron
  • Jacques Ferron, Cartographe de l'imaginaire by Pierre L'Herault
Waiting for the Bone-setter
By Valerie Raoul
Published in Contemporary Quebec Fiction. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 88 (Spring 1981): 106-108.
  • C'était dimanche by Marthe B.-Hogue
  • Repere by Joseph Bonenfant
  • Les Difficiles Lettres d'amour by Jacques Garneau
  • Le Bonhomme Sept-heures by Louis Caron

Articles by Valerie Raoul