Catherine Khordoc

Works by Catherine Khordoc

Book ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Catherine Khordoc

E?crire in two languages
By Catherine Khordoc
Published in Canadian Literature 216 (Spring 2013): 173-75.
  • Des langues en partage? : cohabitation du franc?ais et de l’anglais en litte?rature contemporaine by Catherine Leclerc
La justice des lettres
By Catherine Khordoc
Published in Context(e)s. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 195 (Winter 2007): 156-157.
  • La Cour des contes by Marc Vaillancourt (Author)
  • Le Tribunal parallèle by André Lamontagne (Author)
Voyages et migrations
By Catherine Khordoc
Published in Canada Reads. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 193 (Summer 2007): 109-110.
  • Escale océan by Guylaine Massoutre
  • En italiques: Re?flexions sur l’ethnicite? by Antonio D'Alfonso
The Reader's Challenge
By Catherine Khordoc
Published in Canadian Literature 184 (Spring 2005): 147-147.
  • An Adoration by Nancy Huston
  • Thunder and Light by Marie-Claire Blais and Nigel Spencer (Translator)
Le goût du voyage
By Catherine Khordoc
Published in Urquhart and Munro. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 150 (Autumn 1996): 156-158.
  • Deux semaines en septembre by André Girard
  • La Fondue by Vincent Nadeau

Book Reviews of Catherine Khordoc's Works