Lothar Ho?nnighausen

Works by Lothar Ho?nnighausen

Book ReviewsBook Reviews of Author

Book Reviews by Lothar Ho?nnighausen

Different, but Equally Useful
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Littérature francophone hors-Québec / Francophone Writing Outside Quebec. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 187 (Winter 2005): 146-148.
  • The Serpent's Part: Narrating the Self in Canadian Literature by David Lucking
  • Refractions of Germany in Canadian Literature and Culture by Heinz Antor (Editor), Sylvia Brown (Editor), John Considine (Editor) and Klaus Stierstorfer (Editor)
Roots and Gatenby
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Canadian Literature 184 (Spring 2005): 167-169.
  • Special Places: The Changing Ecosystems of the Toronto Region by Betty I. Roots (Editor), Donald A. Chant (Editor) and Conrad E. Heidenreich (Editor)
  • Toronto: A Literary Guide by Greg Gatenby
Afraid of the Dark
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Writers Talking. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 183 (Winter 2004): 149-150.
  • The Way The Crow Flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald
Feminist Critics on Feminist Writers
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Black Writing in Canada. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 182 (Autumn 2004): 171-173.
  • Narrative Deconstruction of Gender in Works by Audrey Thomas, Daphne Marlatt, and Louise Erdrich by Caroline Rosenthal
  • Carol Shields, Narrative Hunger, and the Possibilities of Fiction by Dee Goertz and Edward Eden
Critical Allegories
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 191-192.
  • Embodiment of a Nation: Human Form in American Places by Cecelia Tichi
Historical Novel & Bildungsroman
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Canadian Literature 177 (Summer 2003): 152-155.
  • The Navigator of New York by Wayne Johnston
The Present As Watershed
By Lothar Ho?nnighausen
Published in Auto/biography. Spec. issue of Canadian Literature 172 (Spring 2002): 174-176.
  • Citizens and Nation: An Essay on History, Communication, and Canada by Gerald Friesen
  • The Next Canada: In Search of Our Future Nation by Myrna Kostash

Book Reviews of Lothar Ho?nnighausen's Works