Body & Health

  • Listening with the Ear of the Heart: Writers at St. Peter’s by Dave Margoshes and Shelley Sopher
  • Writing Addiction: Towards A Poetics of Desire and Its Others by Béla Szabados and Kenneth G. Probert

  • From Old Woman to Older Woman: Contemporary Culture and Women’s Narratives by Sally Chivers
  • Voices Made Flesh: Performing Women’s Autobiography by Lynn C. Miller, Jacqueline Taylor and M. Heather Carver

  • Bathsheba’s Breast: Women, Cancer and History by James S. Olson

  • Filling the Belly by Tara Manuel
  • Significant Things by Helen McLean

  • En garde! Les Représentations de la tuberculose au Québec dans la première moitié du XXe. siècle by Louise Côté

  • The Hospital by Debbie Bailey
  • We Need to Go to School: Voices of the Rugmark Children by Tanya Roberts-Davis
  • Wizards: An Amazing Journey through the Last Great Age of Magic by Candace Savage
  • Ultra Hush-Hush: Espionage and Special Missions by Tina Forrester, Stephen Shapiro and David Craig

  • Committed to the State Asylum: Insanity and Society in Nineteenth-Century Quebec and Ontario by James E. Moran
  • Where the River Narrows by Aimée Laberge

  • Chance and the Butterfly by Maggie de Vries
  • Edge by Diane Tullson
  • Jeannie and the Gentle Giants by Luanne Armstrong

  • The One with the News by Sandra Sabatini
  • Mona Lisa Smiled a Little by Rachel Wyatt

  • Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco’s Chinatown by Nyan Shah
  • Picturing Chinatown: Art and Orientalism in San Francisco by Anthony W. Lee
  • Consuming Hong Kong by Gordon Matthews and Tai-lok Lui