
  • The Wild Is Always There: Canada Through the Eyes of Foreign Writer by Greg Gatenby
  • The Very Richness of That Past: :Canada Through the Eyes of Foreign Writers, Volume II by Greg Gatenby

  • The Other Woman: Women of Colour in Contemporary Canadian Literature by Makeda Silvera
  • Echo: Essays on Other Literatures by Joseph Pivato

  • Hugh MacLennan by Frank M. Tierney
  • Context North America: Canadian/U.S. Literary Relations by Camille La Bossiere

  • Discoveries of the Other: Alterity in the Work of Leonard Cohen, Hubert Aquin, Michael Ondaatje, and Nicole Brossard by Winfried Siemerling

  • New World Regionalism: Literature in the Americas by David M. Jordan

  • Literaturübersetzen: English by Herwig Friedl, Albert-Reiner Glaap and Klaus Peter Müller
  • Acts of Concealment. Mennonite/s Writing in Canada by Hildi Froese Tiessen and Peter Hinchcliffe

  • Upstream: “le pays d’en haut” by Sharon Butala
  • Métonymies: Essais de littérature canadienne comparée/Essays in Comparative Canadian Literature by Larry Shouldice